Orientation to Nursing II Mental Health Rotation Professor Fickley- A Steeler Fan!!
On the Web CT site ……. Mrs. Fickley’s FRONT DOOR!!!! COURSE MATERIALS!!!!! More than one page!!!! dex?page=instructor&id=001176fbc20ff49d 98f dex?page=instructor&id=001176fbc20ff49d 98f
MH Triple PLAY!!!!! 1. Theory 2. Community Experience 3. Clinical Experience
1.Theory Theory : Townsend & Lilley Topics: Power Points Outline Mood Disorders Anxiety and Related Disorders Substance Abuse Crisis Intervention/Suicide (Chapters are posted on the Front Door)
To be Successful: You MUST read your textbook Neurobiology and its association with Behavior (review) Mood Disorders Substance Disorders Anxiety and Related Disorders Crisis Intervention/Suicide Use your disc in the back of the text Resource list on page Learning Questions Study Mate activities
Psychopharmacology Use both the Townsend text and Lilley text for medication readings
2.Community Experience AA GUIDELINES/ ASSIGNMENT with Rubric AA MEETING SCHEDULE (scroll to printable schedule) DUE Date: to Mrs Fickley via BEFORE March 23th, 2007
Goal: Observe Group Process and Value of AA Groups Regular Clothes Only O meetings Not CLOSED meetings Big Book Meetings 3-4 Students MAX Various Responses Assignment on FRONT DOOR Write paper; due FRIDAY the week of your attendance to Ms Fickley Reason for being there is….(You are a student!)
Introduce yourself at the AA meeting… You are a student nurse, learning about substance abuse this semester. By attending a meeting, you will be able to share with future patients, who have alcohol problems, the good work that is done by AA. Do NOT make up a story.
3.MH Facility Experience Will Rotate out to Lakeside Alternatives on a Monday!!! See schedule!!! Info is on MS FICKLEYS FRONT DOOR Schedule: Come on exact date!!!!! Welcome to Lakeside Guidelines IPR Guidelines and Blank IPR Rubric and Student Evaluation
GOALS??? To Communicate with a patient who has a mental health disorder To assess symptoms in patients experiencing mental health disorders To observe group process To participate in an activity, psycho - educational or art group
Basics are on Ms Fickley Front Door!! Wear your community uniform: Closed toe shoes, no jewelry except wedding band, leave valuables at home Bring lunch or lunch money SEE MS FICKLEYS FRONT DOOR for details!!! Assignments: Due Friday of the week of your experience to Ms Fickley OR MS Richards IPR ( see FRONT DOOR for Guidelines and blank) Rubric for starting an interaction Via to Professors!!!
Schedule/Readings/Assignments Community Group Clinical 8Hour Day Theory Mood Disorder Anxiety Disorder Crisis Intervention Substance Abuse AA Paper IPR Start an Interaction/ evaluation Readings from Townsend: 10,15 10,16,17 9 +suicide from 15 10,13 +Lilley
Quickie Quiz!!! Where is MH info? (hint !! 2 places!!) Where is info on AA? Where is info on Lakeside? We will have a great Lakeside Day!!!