Status Report on Administrative Response to December 11, 2006 Alleghany Co. School Board Resolution on Alleghany High School Presented by Dr. Robert P. Grimesey, Jr., Superintendent Alleghany County Public Schools September 17, 2007
1. Present a recommendation to the School Board for acquisition of an option to purchase property that may be suitable for construction of a new high school. a.Administration engaged in extensive evaluation of properties throughout 2005 through spring of Evaluation criteria included: Minimum of 60 acres with attention to potential development cost; Avoidance of flood plains; Proximity to key utilities and transportation outlets; Geographic centrality in general vicinity of Covington and area east to Low Moor. Maintain close proximity to JRTC; and Fair market value or better. b.Four properties qualified for consideration. c.Three properties qualified for evaluation. d.Two properties were selected for negotiation. e.Administration plans to recommend School Board approval of six- month option on finalist property during meeting at Callaghan Elementary School on October 15.
2. Present a recommendation to the School Board to contract with an architect who may facilitate the development of an educational program and a facility design based on that program. a.Request for proposals was issued in May, b.School Board approved the selection of Moseley Architects on July 9. c.Staff, parents and community stakeholders provided design input during programming meetings with architects on July d.A 33-member design team of teachers, staff, parents, students and community stakeholders participated in intensive development process with architects during week of July 23-27: Team members toured five new high schools and evaluated pros and cons of various designs on July Members also engaged in school design training and development activities with architects; and Team members participated in direct preliminary design work with architects at AHS on July All preliminary design work by architects was driven by stakeholder input with minimal direction from the administration. e.Engineers will conduct final geotechnical testing of finalist property following School Board acquisition of property option. f.Architects plan to present basic and enhanced designs with projected cost ranges during School Board meeting in Gleason Forum Hall on November 19.
3. Collaborate with the County Administrator to develop a financial package for funding the construction of a new high school and to present such a package for consideration by the School Board and the Board of Supervisors by no later than October 1, a.Administration collaborated with the office of the County Administrator in the development and issuance of an RFP in February, 2007 b.Board of Supervisors awarded contract to Morgan-Keegan on March 20, c.Administration provided financial information and assistance as requested by the County Administrator and Morgan-Keegan throughout the summer. d.Financial analysis will be presented during joint work session of School Board and Board of Supervisors during October. Date and time of work session is yet to be determined. e.Information from the financial analysis will then be used by the two boards as they evaluate all options for Alleghany High School.
4. As part of the financial plan, proceed forthwith to make application to the Board of Education of the Commonwealth of Virginia for that portion of the principal sum of this project as authorized from the Literary Fund aforesaid with said applications to be made on the forms prescribed by the State Board of Education. a.A Literary Loan will provide no more than $7.5 million in 2% funding of the total cost of any project. b.As a result, the Literary Loan application process is dependent on the completion of the financial analysis. c.To be considered for the Literary Loan waiting list, a locality must complete the acquisition of an option to purchase property. So submission of an application also must await the outcome of the School Boards disposition of the property option. d.It is not unusual for an application to remain on the waiting list for two or more years prior to local approval. e.Final direction and agreement of both Boards on their preferred plan for Alleghany High School should be resolved prior to submission of a Literary Loan application. f.Both Boards must approve resolutions to submit a Literary Loan application.
School Board Questions & Further Direction