American Art
Map of the Mesoamerican cultural region
The cultural development of ancient Mesoamerica was generally divided along east and west. The stable Maya culture was most dominant in the east, especially the Yucatán Peninsula, while in the west more varied developments took place in subregions. These included West Mexican(1000), Teotihuacan (500), Mixtec (1000–1200), and Aztec (1200-1521).
Olmec The Olmec (1500-400 BCE), who lived on the gulf coast, were the first civilization to fully develop in Mesoamerica. Their culture was the first to develop many traits that remained constant in Mesoamerica until the last days of the Aztecs: a complex astronomical calendar, the ritual practice of a ball game, and the erection of stelae to commemorate victories or other important events.
The most famous artistic creations of the Olmec are colossal basalt heads, believed to be portraits of rulers that were erected to advertise their great power. The Olmec also sculpted votive figurines that they buried beneath the floors of their houses for unknown reasons. These were most often modeled in terracotta, but also occasionally carved from jade
The Wrestler
Olmec figurine, dark green serpentine, 1000 - 600 BCE, reportedly from Guerrero or Veracruz. Inlays, since lost, once animated the eyes, ears, nose, and mouth. About 2.5 in (6 cm) Possibly a votive figure
Maya The Maya civilization occupied the south of Mexico, all of Guatemala and Belize, and the western portions of Honduras and El Salvador.
A unique and spectacular style, Maya architecture spans several thousands of years. Yet, often the most dramatic and easily recognizable as Maya are the stepped pyramids from the Terminal Pre-classic period and beyond
Temple at Palenque
Sun god; censer, made from clay; Maya culture; Ethnological Museum, Berlin, Germany
A reproduction of pre-Columbian Maya codex on display at the musuem at Copan. Copan, Honduras
Due to the humid climate of Central America, few Mayan paintings have survived to the present day. The colourful Bonampak murals, dating from 790 AD and decorating the interior of a temple, show scenes of nobility, battle, and sacrifice.
Toltec Tula, formally, Tula de Allende, is a town and one of the 84 municipalities of Hidalgo, in central-eastern Mexico. Remains of various monuments found here which points to its being very important centre
Human figures known as “atlantids” served as main pillars in the temple that stood atop the main pyram
Granite statue of Mictlantecuhtli, the Aztec god of the underworld
South America The native civilizations were most developed in the Andean region, where they are roughly divided into Northern Andes civilizations of present- day Colombia and Ecuador and the Southern Andes civilizations of present- day Peru and Chilé.
Chavin The Chavín culture represents the first widespread, recognizable artistic style in the Andes. Artists depicted exotic creatures found in other regions, such as jaguars and eagles, rather than local plants and animals
Marble mask of Chalchiuhtlicue, Aztec god of water
Inca The Sun or Inti was the most important god in the Inca empire and since gold shone like the sun it was the metal that was used the most in religion ceremonies
Inca art gives us an understanding of how the Incas lived as they did not leave written records of their history. Everything we know about their lives have been passed on in oral form from generation to generation and from the interpretations of artifacts discovered by archeologist The Sun or Inti was the most important god in the Inca empire and since gold shone like the sun it was the metal that was used the most in religion ceremonies
Constructed monuments which have survived various earth quakes, Wall in Cusco