iDigBio is funded by a grant from the National Science Foundation’s Advancing Digitization of Biodiversity Collections Program (Cooperative Agreement EF ). Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation. All images used with permission or are free from copyright. Georeferencing Choices iDigBio Mobilizing Small Herbaria Digitization Workshop December 9 – 11, 2013 Tallahassee, Florida Deborah Paul, iDigInfo, iDigBio #smallherb
What is an ideal georeference? A numerical description of a place that can be mapped and that describes the spatial extent of a locality and its associated uncertainties as well as possible. from: Collaboration to Automation presentationCollaboration to Automation
Sharing Requires Standard Terms Darwin Core Location Terms higherGeography waterbody, island, islandGroup continent, country, countryCode, stateProvince, county, municipality locality minimumElevationInMeters, maximumElevationInMeters, minimumDepthInMeters, maximumDepthInMeters Darwin Core Event Terms habitat Darwin Core Geological Context group, formation, member, bed, …
Why darwin core / georeferencing standards? My field notes? Your field notes? map to a standard!
From the Label, Notebook, … field notes S W WGS84 2 mi. NE Tlh. on Ctrville Rd. Tallahassee, 2.5 miles NE on Centerville Road. frequent Wakulla CO. in moist roadside depression, … your database field latlatitude lat or latitude lonlonglongitude lon or long or longitude datumnotes datum or notes or … loclocation collectorLocality loc or location or collectorLocality or … abundance abundance county county hab habitatDescription hab or habitatDescription or … darwin core verbatimLatitude verbatimLongitude verbatimSRS verbatimLocality locality (abundanceAsPercent) county habitat Note New
Darwin Core Georeference Terms example values decimalLatitude decimalLatitude decimalLongitude decimalLongitude geodeticDatum geodeticDatum coordinateUncertaintyInMeters coordinateUncertaintyInMeters georeferencedBy georeferencedBy georeferenceProtocol georeferenceProtocol georeferenceSources georeferenceSources georeferenceVerificationStatus georeferenceVerificationStatus georeferenceRemarks georeferenceRemarks coordinatePrecision pointRadiusSpatialFit footprintWKT, footprintSRS, footprintSpatialFit WGS84 WGS Susan Somewhere Susan Somewhere Georeferencing Quick Reference Guide Georeferencing Quick Reference Guide Falling Rain Gazetteer, GEOLocate Falling Rain Gazetteer, GEOLocate verified by collector verified by collector assumed distance by road assumed distance by road darwin core terms goal to populate these fields!
Three Ways* to Georeference 1. Georeference by CSV 2. Georeference Me! 3. one-at-a-time (not recommended) Workflow Overview locality Where is your locality data? Collate it. Into a CSV file file-naming strategy Upload to GEOLocate or “Call GEOLocate” using “Georeference Me!” visualize work before import Use GEOLocate to visualize work before import Use CSV-file Georeferences to populate your database or copy-and-paste georeferences directly into database Spotlight on GEOLocateGEOLocate
Georeference by CSV - steps 1. download form 1. Locality StringCountryStateCounty 2. populate first 4 columns: Locality String, Country, State, County 1. in locality string, concatenate fields prn, space between 3. add columns to uniquely identify localities 1. barcode, recordid, catalognumber, localityid 2. add other columns prn: georeferenceProtocol, georeferenceSource, georeferenceVerificationStatus 4. save file (name files consistently) 5. go to: click Select File 7. click Load (store retrieval file identifier) 8. georeference in GEOLocate 9. download (Export) when done (click File Management, select csv) 10. upload to your database 1. formatting data as needed for upload to your database
Georeference by CSV
Ex: 8AA9648E
File Management Ex: 8AA9648E
Georeference Me! - steps 1. download form 1. LocalityCountryStateCounty 2. populate first 4 columns: Locality, Country, State, County * 1. in locality*, concatenate fields prn, space between 3. add columns to uniquely identify localities 1. barcode, recordid, catalognumber, localityid 2. add other columns prn: georeferenceProtocol, georeferenceSource, georeferenceVerificationStatus 4. save file 1. file can then be divided (among students, for example) 5. click the Georeference Me! link 6. adjust the georeference in GEOLocate 7. copy and paste results into spreadsheet 8. save file 9. upload to your database 1. formatting data as needed for upload to your database *255 characters issue with Excel
Georeference Me!
Georeference 1-at-a-time
1-by-1 and a bit more… GEOLocate, one-by-one Great for a few For non Specify / non Symbiota users can put this in your workflow GEOLocate tool integrated in Specify and Symbiota all georeferencing best practices fields are present GEOLocate - Embeddable version GEOLocate Collaborative GeoReferencing tracking + tracking + management time investment - management time investment -
With maturity of experience (including collectors) and technology digitization activities in the field: electronic data gathering, georeferencing georeferencing, field imaging, etc. may reduce the workload for collections managers. born digital labels example: born digital labels Proactive Digitization Mark Sabaj, Academy of Natural Sciences Trend
iDigBio GWG Train the Trainers I and II 5 Days Pay-it-forward Community Resource
Links to Cool Stuff iDigBio GWG Listserv Got GEOreferencing Questions? > register Georeferencing Working Group (GWG) Resources > Forums > Georeferencing Working Group (GWG) iDigBio GWG Wiki ttt1 and ttt2 resource pages power points, videos, handouts, how-to’s, trainers sample at GEOreferencing Trainers web resources GWG help with planning a georeferencing workshop videos (vimeo and idigbio) videos Geo-rectify an old (online) map GWG Thanks!