Advances in Human Resource Development and Management Course Code: MGT 712 Lecture 24
Recap of Lecture 23 HRD Process Model Key Activities in HRD Design 1. Defining the Objectives – Qualities of Useful Objectives 2. The Make versus Buy Decision 3. Selecting the Trainer – Train-the-Trainer Programs – Training Manuals 2Lecture 24
Learning Objectives: Lecture 24 HRD Process Model Key Activities in HRD Design 4. Preparing a Lesson Plan 5. Selecting Training Methods and Media 6. Preparing Training Material 7. Scheduling the HRD Program 3Lecture 24
HRD Process Model Lecture 244
Key Activities in HRD Design 1. Setting objectives 2. Make versus Buy decision 3. Selecting the trainer 4. Developing a lesson plan 5. Selecting program methods and media 6. Preparing materials 7. Scheduling the program Lecture 245
4. Preparing a Lesson Plan Program objectives are necessary but these statements alone are insufficient to determine the content as well as the training methods, techniques, and materials of the program. Lesson Plan – translates program objectives into an executable training session – trainer’s guide for the actual delivery of the training content. – determines in advance what is to be covered and how much time is devoted to each part of the session Lecture 246
4. Preparing a Lesson Plan A lesson plan should specify: – Content to be covered – Sequencing of activities – Selection or design of training media – Selection or development of experiential exercises – Timing and planning of each activity – Selection of the method of instruction to be used – Number and type of evaluation items to be used Some organizations have program designer specially to defining training objectives and developing lesson plans – important for subject matter experts with limited training skills. Lecture 247
4. Preparing a Lesson Plan Less skilled trainers may use standardized lesson plans: 1. Program Title: 2. Objectives: 3. Physical environment: 4. Equipment and materials: 5. Instructor/Trainer: Major topics Time Instructor Trainee Instructional strategies activityactivity 8Lecture 24
5. Selecting Training Methods and Media Training Methods – Still, the most popular instructional method has been classrooms programs for training. – There has been considerable recent growth in web-based self study programs – More general public seminars are also popular Training Media – Workbooks and manuals continue to be the most widely used training media – Substantial increase in the use of internet/company intranet and CD/DVDs to provide training Lecture 249
5. Selecting Training Methods and Media Lecture 2410 Instructor-led Classroom Programs 91 Self-Study, Web-based 44 Job-based Performance Support44 Public Seminars42 Case Studies40 Role Plays35 Games or Simulations, Non-computer-based25 Self-Study, Non-computer-based23 Virtual Classroom, with Instructor21 Games or Simulations, Computer-based10 Experiential Programs6 Virtual Reality Programs3 Workbooks/Manuals79 Internet/Intranet/Extranet63 CD-ROM/DVD/Diskettes55 Videotapes52 Teleconferencing24 Videoconferencing23 Satellite/Broadcast TV12 Audiocassettes4 MethodsPercent Media
5. Selecting Training Methods and Media To make a proper understanding of all the methods, training methods can be classified: On the basis of the degree of activity expected or required of participants – Lectures are least active – Experiential methods like role playing, games, simulations and outdoor training are the most active On the basis of its application – On-the-job methods which typically occur in the employee’s normal work settings – Class room methods which typically take place away from the job – Some training methods like computer-based training have multiple applications Lecture 2411
5. Selecting Training Methods and Media An appropriate training method to maximize learning can be selected by considering following factors: – The objectives of the program Interpersonal skills – Time and resources (financial) available – Availability of other resources Highly trained trainers and special equipment – Trainee characteristics and preferences Trainee readiness, diversity of target population, high literacy for computer based training, learning styles Selection of training methods and media requires: – Knowledge of different HRD techniques – Sound judgment in their decision making – HRD professionals to investigate all available methods and when in doubt consult expert colleagues Lecture 2412
6. Preparing Training Material Preparing materials would depend on whether training has been outsourced or designed by the organization. Some pertinent issues that need to be considered are: – Program announcement – Program outlines – Training manuals and textbooks Lecture 2413
6. Preparing Training Material Program Announcements Inform target audience about training program – Purpose of the program – When and where to be held – How the employees can qualify to participate in program Give sufficient lead time for trainees, so that they can adjust their schedules Sent through – Supervisory channels – Company newsletters – Intranet – Mail – Electronic bulletin boards – HRD Bulletins Lecture 2414
6. Preparing Training Material Program Outlines Communicate the content, goals and expectations of the program Include – Course objectives – Topical areas to be covered – Materials or tools needed – Requirements of each trainee – Tentative schedule Used to establish behavior expectations including punctuality, attendance, work habits, and courtesy towards other trainees. It is important for trainees to be present at all sessions if training content is sequenced. Lecture 2415
6. Preparing Training Material Training Manuals and Textbooks Are required as basic instructional material, readings, exercises, and self tests Some documents are organized into modules to divide the training program into sessions. – Textbooks Generally provide a broad treatment of subject – Training Manuals Are better known for their brevity and hands-on approach Get permission and give attribution Lecture 2416
7. Scheduling the HRD Program The decision seems too straight-forward – Organizations are busy, hectic and unpredictable, so schedule HRD program in a way that trainers and trainees are both available and focused on learning. – Do it well in advance of scheduling Must be done in conjunction with: Production schedulers Shift supervisors Work supervisors/managers Trainees Individually oriented delivery method program can be done whenever the trainees have the time Two types of schedules are normally used: – During work hours – After work hours Lecture 2417
7. Scheduling the HRD Program Scheduling During working hours – Avoids outside conflicts – traveling, family – Sends message that learning/training is supported by management Day of the Week: – Avoid Mondays and Fridays – Avoid holiday weeks Time of the Day – Too early - Tardy or tired participants – Over lunch hour - When do they eat – Mid-afternoon – Sluggish, low attention – Late in day - Distractions and need to leave early Other Working Hour Constraints/Considerations – Peak work hours – Staff meeting times – Travel requirements – Training shift workers Lecture 2418
7. Scheduling the HRD Program Scheduling After Working Hours Avoids organizational complaints Can create other problems – Family obligations – Personal commitment may arise – Tired trainees may not be mentally alert – Reluctance to give up free time Inducements – Overtime pay, compensatory time, training as qualification for promotion, holding at resort with leisure activities Lecture 2419
7. Scheduling the HRD Program Registration and Enrollment It must be clear on – How one should register – Who is responsible for logistics – How to cancel or reschedule If available and possible, use computerized system to manage online training registration and tracking Lecture 2420
7. Scheduling the HRD Program E learning Quicker and more widespread access to training materials Once in place, cheaper than classroom Can be 24/7 Allows trainee to control pace and training process to fit personal needs and abilities Lecture 2421
Summary of Lecture 23 HRD Process Model Key Activities in HRD Design 4. Preparing a Lesson Plan 5. Selecting Training Methods and Media 6. Preparing Training Material 7. Scheduling the HRD Program 22Lecture 24
Reference books Human Resource Development: Foundation, Framework and Application Jon M. Werner and Randy L. DeSimone: Cengage Learning, New Delhi 23Lecture 24
Thank you! 24Lecture 24