Local Extrema Do you remember in Calculus 1 & 2, we sometimes found points where both f'(x) and f"(x) were zero? What did this mean?? What is the corresponding condition for f(x,y)?? Consider Ex 3 pg 178.
Local Extrema Do you remember in Calculus 1 & 2, we sometimes found points where both f'(x) and f"(x) were zero? Define Saddle Point: A function, f, has a saddle point at P o if P o is a critical point and within any distance of P o no matter how small, there are points P 1 and P 2 with f(P 1 ) > f(P o ) and f(P 2 ) > f(P o ). See Fig. 14.8
Local Extrema Do you remember in Calculus 1 & 2, we sometimes found points where both f'(x) and f"(x) were zero? Just as in the calculus of 1 variable, we had to determine if critical points were maxima, minima, or neither (inflection points). For functions of 2 variables, we must determine if critical points are maxima, minima, or neither (saddle points)!
Local Extrema Remember also from one variable calculus, that we could classify critical points as max, min, or neither based on the behavior of the 2nd derivative (2nd Deriv Test). For functions of 2 variables, we have an analogous but (as expected) more complicated 2nd Derivative Test.
Local Extrema Second Derivative Test for z=f(x,y): If (x 0,y o ) is a critical point (grad f (x 0,y o ) = 0) and Then if D>0 and f xx (x 0,y o ) > 0, f has a local min at x 0,y o. if D>0 and f xx (x 0,y o ) < 0, f has a local max at x 0,y o.
Local Extrema Second Derivative Test for z=f(x,y): If (x 0,y o ) is a critical point (grad f (x 0,y o ) = 0) and Then if D>0, f has a saddle point at x 0,y o. if D=0, anything is possible. See pg 182. Work thru Ex 5 pg 183
Local Extrema Second Derivative Test for z=f(x,y): See pg 182. Work thru Ex 6 pg 183 You might also recall doing the algebraic type analysis for 1 variable extrema when f"(x o )=0!
Local Extrema Second Derivative Test for z=f(x,y): Consider What are the signs of f xx and f yy ? What is f xy ? D?
Local Extrema Second Derivative Test for z=f(x,y): Consider What are the signs of f xx, f yy ? What is f xy ? D?
Local Extrema Second Derivative Test for z=f(x,y): Note that if surface is concave up in 1 direction and concave down in the other, we expect a saddle point.
Local Extrema Second Derivative Test for z=f(x,y): Consider What are the signs of f xx, f yy ? What is f xy ? D?
Optimization Again as we did in 1 variable Calculus, we can use the methods for finding maxima and minima to solve 2 variable optimization problems. To start, we distinguish between global and local extrema. What is the difference?? Can they be the same??
Optimization Again as we did in 1 variable Calculus, we can use the methods for finding maxima and minima to solve 2 variable optimization problems. Do you remember how you solved optimization problems for 1 variable calculus????
Optimization To Solve the Unconstrained Optimization Problem: 1)Find the critical points. 2)Investigate whether critical points give global maxima or minima. Work thru Ex 2 pg 187 Examples: pg 192 #3