West Virginia Early Childhood Transition Steering Committee1 WV Early Childhood Transition Resources Developed by: WV Early Childhood Transition Steering.


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Presentation transcript:

West Virginia Early Childhood Transition Steering Committee1 WV Early Childhood Transition Resources Developed by: WV Early Childhood Transition Steering Committee

West Virginia Early Childhood Transition Steering Committee2 Table of Contents Documents: Transition Checklist Side-by-Side Description of Agency Responsibilities IFSP/IEP Comparison Extended School Year Position Paper Collaborative Strategies Document Tasks, Tips, and Tools for Promoting Collaborative Community Teams

West Virginia Early Childhood Transition Steering Committee3 Table of Contents Brochures: WV Early Childhood Transition Initiative Brochure WV Early Childhood Family Leadership Brochure

West Virginia Early Childhood Transition Steering Committee4 Transition Checklist Description: This is a set of four checklists which can be used by local agencies to track transition procedures and timelines in keeping with effective practice and/or legal requirements.

West Virginia Early Childhood Transition Steering Committee5 Target Audience Parents WV Birth to Three Early Head Start Head Start Public Schools Even Start Child Care Programs Other Community Services/Programs

West Virginia Early Childhood Transition Steering Committee6 Utilization Provide a step by step transition for individual children and families. Increase the knowledge of families related to transition requirements of various agencies. Assist agencies in documenting and monitoring transition services. Provide professional development for veteran and new staff. Use as a resource for Improvement Plans.

West Virginia Early Childhood Transition Steering Committee7 Legal Side by Side Description: This 3 column chart lists legal requirements under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), Part C (for WV Birth to Three); IDEA, Part B (for schools), and Head Start Performance Standards. Requirements are organized according to 12 areas of collaboration: 1. Family involvement; 2. Child outreach/child find screening, referrals, and evaluations; 3. Service eligibility; 4. Individual program planning, e.g., Individualized Family Service Plans (IFSP) for children with disabilities ages Birth to 3 years and their families and Individualized Education Programs (IEP) for children with disabilities ages 3 through 5 years; 5. Primary and related services;

West Virginia Early Childhood Transition Steering Committee8 Legal Side by Side 6. Service delivery in settings which, to the maximum extent possible, are in natural settings typical for the age of the child and which serve children with disabilities along with children without disabilities; 7. Resource sharing which may include, but not be limited to, facilities, materials and equipment, collaborative services, screening, etc.; 8. Transition; 9.Confidentiality; 10.Records transfer; 11.Joint staff training; and 12.Sharing of child count information.

West Virginia Early Childhood Transition Steering Committee9 Target Audience Early Childhood Interagency Teams, e.g., Tadpole Teams, Family Resource Networks Individual State, Regional, and Local Agencies Parents

West Virginia Early Childhood Transition Steering Committee10 Utilization Develop individual agency procedures and forms. Gain an understanding of similarities and differences in the requirements. Provide professional development for veteran and new staff. Use as a resource for Improvement Plans.

West Virginia Early Childhood Transition Steering Committee11 IEP/IFSP Description: This provides a side-by-side comparison of: 1.Individualized Family Service Plans (IFSP) which are required by WV Birth to Three and optional (with parent permission) for public school special education for children with disabilities ages three through five and 2. Individualized Education Programs (IEP) which are required for children who are provided public school special education and related services.

West Virginia Early Childhood Transition Steering Committee12 Target Audience Parents Parent Educator Resource Centers Local Administrators WV Birth to Three Childcare Programs Even Start Starting Points Centers Early Head Start Head Start Public Schools Other Agencies, Programs and Resources

West Virginia Early Childhood Transition Steering Committee13 Utilization Explain the similarities and differences between the IFSP and IEP documents to parents and agency staff. Provide professional development for veteran and new staff. Use as a resource for Improvement Plans.

West Virginia Early Childhood Transition Steering Committee14 Extended School Year (ESY) Description: This paper was developed by the WV Department of Education with WV Early Childhood Transition Steering Committee input. It describes options for addressing Extended School Year (ESY) summer services issues for young children who are provided special education and related services by the public schools, including services to children exiting WV Birth to Three services and entering public school preschool special education programs/services.

West Virginia Early Childhood Transition Steering Committee15 Target Audience Parents Parent Educator Resource Centers Local Administrators WV Birth to Three Childcare Programs Even Start Starting Points Centers Early Head Start Head Start Public Schools Other Agencies, Programs and Resources

West Virginia Early Childhood Transition Steering Committee16 Utilization Increase awareness of requirements and options for Extended School Year Services. Provide professional development for veteran and new staff. Use as a resource for Improvement Plans.

West Virginia Early Childhood Transition Steering Committee17 Collaboration Strategies Document Description: This provides recommended practices for implementing legal requirements listed in the Side - By – Side Description under IDEA, Part C, IDEA, Part B, and Head Start Performance Standards. This document addresses the 12 areas of collaboration contained in the Side - By - Side. It provides ideas for collaboration among WV Birth to Three, Early Head Start, Head Start, Child Care Programs, Other Agencies and Parents.

West Virginia Early Childhood Transition Steering Committee18 Target Audience Early Childhood Interagency Teams, e.g., Tadpole Teams, Family Resource Networks Individual State, Regional, and Local Agencies Parents

West Virginia Early Childhood Transition Steering Committee19 Utilization Increase knowledge of collaborative options for addressing legal requirements. Increase the quality and comprehensiveness of services. Provide an awareness of transition resources and how to access them. Provide professional development for veteran and new staff. Use as a resource for Improvement Plans.

West Virginia Early Childhood Transition Steering Committee20 Task, Tips and Tools Description: This resource identifies: Tasks for starting and sustaining collaborative teams; Tips for doing this effectively; and Tools for carrying out these tasks and tips such as: sample forms and letters; formats for agendas, ground rules, and minutes; and step-by-step instructions for activities such as assessing the current community context, visioning, priority setting, action planning.

West Virginia Early Childhood Transition Steering Committee21 Target Audience Early Childhood Interagency Teams, e.g., Tadpole Teams, Starting Points Individual State, Regional, and Local Agencies Parents

West Virginia Early Childhood Transition Steering Committee22 To download this document to adapt to your needs, go to website at: Click on Keys to Inclusion page Then on Collaborative Activities Then on National Products Then on to the Collaborative Planning Project Utilization Help teams get started. Improve existing teams. Provide professional development for veteran and new staff. Use as a resource for Improvement Plans.

West Virginia Early Childhood Transition Steering Committee23 Brochures

West Virginia Early Childhood Transition Steering Committee24 WV Early Childhood Transition Initiative Brochure Description: This provides information on resources to help agencies support young children ages birth to five years and their families transitioning from one program or service to another. Resources include agencies that provide training and technical assistance, training events, materials, and state and local teams that promote smooth transitions.

West Virginia Early Childhood Transition Steering Committee25 Target Audience Parents WV Birth to Three Early Head Start Head Start Public Schools Even Start Child Care Programs Starting Points Centers Other Community Services

West Virginia Early Childhood Transition Steering Committee26 Utilization Provide an awareness of transition resources and how to access them. Provide professional development for veteran and new staff. Use as a resource for Improvement Plans.

West Virginia Early Childhood Transition Steering Committee27 Family Leadership Brochure Description: This describes a variety of supports for families of young children including publications, training opportunities, resource libraries, state and local advisory councils and agencies.

West Virginia Early Childhood Transition Steering Committee28 Target Audience Parents Parent Educator Resource Centers Local Administrators WV Birth to Three Childcare Programs Even Start Starting Points Centers Early Head Start Head Start Public Schools Other Agencies, Programs and Resources

West Virginia Early Childhood Transition Steering Committee29 Utilization Inform families of supports available to them. Provide professional development for veteran and new staff. Use as a resource for Improvement Plans.

West Virginia Early Childhood Transition Steering Committee30 WV Early Childhood Steering Committee Linda Bond, Marion Co. Schools Kay Carpenter, Webster Co. Schools Annette Carey, WV Deafblind Project Kathy Hamrick, WV Head Start DSQIC Bill Huebner, Head Start State Collaboration Project, Governors Cabinet on Children and Families Ginger Huffman, WVDE, OSE Cathy Jones, River Valley Child Development Services Kathy Knighton, WVDE, OSE Sue Miles, WVU Cooperative Extension Kay Nesselrotte, North Central Head Start Linda Novak, WVU Parkersburg Joann Richards, RESA VIII Pam Roush, WV Birth to Three Jim Smiley, RESA VII Donna Taylor, Child and Family Development Head Start James Thompson, WVDE, Title I Kay Tilton, Office of Social Services, Child Care Division

West Virginia Early Childhood Transition Steering Committee31 Dont Croak. Just Hop To It!