Group VI Adoption Cycle Dance Theatre World Languages Driver Education December 17, 2008 Instructional Materials Webinar
Demonstration of Interactive Multiple List Explanation of Caravan Ethical Considerations Thinking Outside the Box: Adoption Options Questions and Answers Webinar Agenda
Instructional Materials Caravan
Caravan: Week One February 10 – RESA III Emmanuel Baptist Church, Charleston 1:00 – 5:00 PM February 11 – RESA V Cedar Lakes Conference Center 10:00 AM – 5:00 PM February 12 – RESA VI Woodsdale School, Wheeling 9:00 AM – 12:00 Noon February 14 – RESA I Bradley Elementary School, Beckley 10:00 AM – 2:00 PM
Caravan: Week Two February 16 – RESA VII University High School, Morgantown Time to be determined February 18 – RESA II To Be Determined, Huntington Time to be determined February 19 – RESA IV The Armory, Summersville 10:00 AM – 2:00 PM
Let’s Talk Ethics
§ Guidelines Any/all item(s) submitted for bid and accepted for inclusion on the state multiple list shall not be given away during the contract period, except for those items defined in Section 7.
§ Guidelines Free and/or Loaned Items - Each vendor shall declare on the bid any/all free and loaned items that will be given to any county or school free of charge upon adoption/purchase. … No changes will be permitted after the vendor hearing date and the declaration shall become part of the contract for the adoption period.
West Virginia Code 18-2A Adoption of Instructional Materials West Virginia Department of Education § 18-2A-9 Gifts and bribes to influence adoption of books, instructional materials or learning technologies… a felony; penalty … any other person who shall receive, solicit, or accept any gift, present, or thing of value to influence that individual in the vote for the adoption of …instructional materials…or offer to give such gift…shall be guilty of a felony, and, upon conviction thereof, shall be punished by confinement in the penitentiary for not less than one year nor more than three years.
Acceptable Gifts WV Ethics Commission
Weighing the Options Options to Consider when Adopting Instructional Materials
WEST VIRGINIA CODE §18-2A-1. Definition; adoption groups; adoption schedule. "Textbooks" includes books, instructional materials and learning technologies. "Instructional materials" means and includes systems of instructional materials, or combinations of books and supplementary materials which convey information to the pupil. "Learning technologies" include, but are not limited to, applications using computer software, computer assisted instruction, interactive videodisc; other computer courseware and magnetic media. Textbooks adopted on the state multiple list must substantially cover the required content and skills for the subject as approved by the state board of education. Adopted materials must be current and information presented accurately.
WV BOARD OF EDUCATION POLICY § Applicability Textbooks, instructional materials, learning technologies, or any combination thereof adopted on the state multiple list must substantially cover the required content and skills for the subject as approved by the WVBE as a primary source of instruction. Adopted materials must be current and information presented accurately. Copyright dates of instructional materials being bid must not be more than five years prior to the adoption period.
EVERY student must have access to quality content that is current and accurate. at school at home Key Word: Access
Consider Purchase a classroom set of textbooks to use as a resource; allow students to check out one of those books when necessary. Take advantage of the CD version of the adopted text that usually is offered as part of the package deal. Utilize the publisher’s website that is designed to accompany the adopted text. Utilize free online resources (i.e., Teach 21, Thinkfinity, SAS, Smithsonian Education, National Geographic, EBSCO) Access online versions of newspapers and magazines Purchase digital versions of dictionaries and other reference materials.
Key Word: Plan Access to instructional materials by each student is still a priority. When adopting digital resources, have an accessibility plan in place so that no student is denied access.
Now, it’s your turn. Are there any questions?
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