The Invasion of America 1400’s-1607
Preexisting Societies Complex network of indigenous people As many as 15 million inhabitants Spoke as many as 300 different languages Lived in several diverse regions Highly developed civilizations Divisions of labor Complex trade networks Cultural development rivaled Europeans Some were even socially stratified Decimated by European settlement
15 th Century Europe Dominance of the Catholic Church Feudal System Divine Right of Kings National Competition
Methods of Change Emerging merchant class Trade did not fit feudal system Merchants were a major source of tax revenue (tariffs) Taxes supported exploration, colonialism, and war
Methods of Change Crusades State supported, church sanctioned exploration Briefly opened possibility of trade Shook power of church and nobility
Methods of Change Reformation Inspired by the Renaissance 1517 Martin Luther Gutenberg Bible Formation of Anglican Church (Henry VIII) Sub movements (Puritans/Quakers)
Methods of Change Commerce and Exploration Increased nautical technology (caravel/sextant) Nation states needed wealth (hard currency) Fund wars (round robin power struggle) Policy of Mercantilism: Primary reason for colonialism is to increase wealth of home country. Supply raw materials and avoid trade with rivals Joint Stock Companies Made long range trade possible Forerunner of corporations (capitalism) Initially operated with royal charters
Age of Exploration First colonization of New World (N./S. America) Spain Portugal Columbian exchange (corn/potatoes) Treaty of Tordesillas (1494) Settle disputes between Spain and Portugal AKA Papal Line of Demarcation England ignored treaty Rivalry established Portugal vs. Spain (eventual winner) Cortes/Pizarro Find significant wealth
Age of Exploration Spanish are dominant in New World Florida/Caribbean/Modern Latin America Establish themselves as rulers Mestizo population Econmienda system (plantations) France Attempt to colonize Florida/Southern US Major colony: Quebec 1608 Primarily fur traders Dutch New Netherlands (New York/New Jersey)
English Settlements Become modern United States Major settlements Roanoake 1587 (failed) Jamestown 1607 Plymouth 1620 Massachusetts Bay 1630 England will eventually become dominant power in Europe/New World