HENRY HUDSON Kovalchuk Alena Magomedkerimova Luiza Shizizo Nastya Fomushkina Nastya Form 9B
Hudson's birthday is mostly unknown. Historians assert that he was probably born in the 1560s. Hudson is thought to have spent many years at sea. In 1607, Hudson went to swim in search of the way to China and India through the Arctic.
In 1607, the Moscow Company of England hired Hudson to find a northerly route to the Pacific coast of Asia. Hudson sailed on 1 May. They reached the east coast of Greenland on 14 June. And named his a headland "Young's Cape". In 1608, English merchants and Moscow Companies again sent Hudson in the Hopewell. But this attempt failed. Returning to England, he spoke about the possibilities of whaling in the Far North, and this contributed to the development of the English whaling in the Svalbard area.
Hudson made two attempts to find a prospective Northwest Passage to China. Hudson explored the region around modern New York. He explored the river which eventually was named for him. Hudson discovered a strait and immense bay on his final expedition while searching for the Northwest Passage.
In 1611, after wintering on the shore of James Bay, Hudson wanted to press on to the west, but most of his crew mutinied. The mutineers cast Hudson, his son and 7 others adrift. After it is no longer seen. Leaders of the uprising, Greene and Juet, had been friends and loyal seamen of Captain Hudson. Secon dly, Greene and Juet did not survive the return voyage to England. Only 8 of the 13 mutinous crew men were arrested in England, and some were indeed put on trial, but no punishment was ever imposed for the mutiny. One theory holds that the survivors were considered too valuable as sources of information for it to be wise to execute them. Perhaps for this reason, they were charged with murder-of which they were acquitted-rather than mutiny, of which they most certainly would have been convicted and executed.
The bay discovered by Hudson is twice the size of the Baltic Sea. This allowed the Hudson's Bay Company to exploit a lucrative fur trade. Hudson Strait became the entrance to the Arctic for all. The Hudson River in New York and New Jersey, explored earlier by Hudson, is named after him, as are Hudson County, New Jersey, the Henry Hudson Bridge, and the town of Hudson, New York.