Learning Styles The “Learning Styles Inventory” There are three basic learning styles: Visual Auditory Tactile
Kinds of visual learners… The first are VISUAL LANGUAGE learners: These people like to see words in books, on computer screens, on the board and in charts. Often they learn better from books than they do in class. Having information on paper is much more important than hearing it.
Kinds of visual learners… The second kind are VISUAL NUMERICAL- they like to see numbers on the board, in a book, software & videos. They want to see visible numbers, rather than hear them. They like things printed on paper rather than oral explanations.
Kinds of auditory learners The first kind are AUDITORY LANGUAGE learners: These students learn best from the spoken word. You may hear these students vocalize words as they read, especially when dealing with something new. They like to study with music and by talking to others about their subjects.
Kinds of auditory learners… Second, AUDITORY NUMERICAL learners want to hear oral explanations of math problems. They remember numbers easily and can usually work problems in their heads, often without needing paper and pencil. You may hear them reading numbers and problems to themselves.
Tactile learners TACTILE CONCRETE learners seem to get knowledge best from direct physical experience. They need to touch and manipulate what they are studying as well as see and hear it. They often learn best when their hands are involved. Their key word is “hands on!”
Social Learning Styles INDIVIDUAL LEARNERS get more work done alone. They think best and remember more when they learn by themselves. They keep their own counsel; they do not let other’s opinions influence them. They usually socialize very little in class
Social Learning Styles GROUP LEARNERS value studying with others and don’t get as much done alone. They want to hear other people’s opinions and ideas. Group interaction increases their learning and knowledge. Socializing is very important to group learners.
Expressing Information Learners who are ORAL EXPRESSIVE like to tell what they know out loud. They talk fluently & comfortably and are not shy about speaking in front of a group. Organizing their thoughts to write on paper may be a slow, boring process for these oral students.
Expressing Information Students who are WRITTEN EXPRESSIVE generally write fluent essays and do well on written tests. Their thoughts are better organized on paper and they may feel insecure having to give oral answers. The written word is much important to them than the spoken one.
Remember! Important! No one learning style is better than any other. It is quite possible that you have a combination of learning styles and they may be equally necessary to you. Finding out what works best for you is what is important! “KNOW THYSELF!” and be the most effective learner you can be…