Special Education Plan Annual Application for IDEA, Part B and Preschool and State Aid for Exceptional Children 2013-2014.


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Presentation transcript:

Special Education Plan Annual Application for IDEA, Part B and Preschool and State Aid for Exceptional Children

Agenda Part I – Allocations Part II – Assurances Part III – Private Schools Part IV – Data Analysis Part V - Goals/Objectives/Actions/Budget Part VI – Itemization of Equipment Part VII – Maintenance of Effort Part VIII – FY 14 Budget Amount Part IX – Excess Cost Part X - CEIS Special Education Compliances

Timeline June 14, 2013– Applications July 1, 2013 – Begin issuing grant awards Failure to respond to needed corrections may result in monitoring issues

When to use… Funds may not be obligated prior to July 1 or the date a substantially approvable application is submitted, whichever is last. One grant award is issued, however, a percentage is available July one; the rest available October. 5% sequester cut comes from the July portion All funds must be obligated by September 30, 2015 Spend IDEA FY 12 and 13 carry over first

Special Education Plan – Part I - Allocations – District enters amounts from the allocation tables provided – Part II – Assurances (review only) – Part III - Private Schools Calculation – – District enters child count amounts; allocation populates from Part I – Calculates the amount to be budgeted and spent – Must check NO box if the district has not parentally placed private school students within the district

Private Share Calculator

Part IV: Data Analysis WHERE TO FIND THE DATA: – Data Analysis minimum sources Achievement on previous WESTEST2 and APTA Dropout, graduation District Self Assessment/ADA findings and needs ADA improvement plans Other monitoring report corrective actions

Part IV: Data Analysis Enter data summary in brief narrative form Incorporate ESEA Flexibility data as it applies to students with disabilities: Only if it is available and public at the time of completion of the plan E.g., focus schools and priority schools having SWD issues

Part V: Goals/Objectives/Activities Measurable Objectives Enter at top of Part V spreadsheet Write a measureable objective for at least one of your priority strategic issues for improving an outcome for students with disabilities. – What indicator, area or skill are you working to improve? – How will improvement be measured? – How much do you expect to move the measurement in the next year?

Part V: Goals/Objectives/Activities Action Steps and Subtasks GOAL and ACTION STEPS for each budget section are provided and may be edited. Subtasks clarify specific activities/expenditures within the Action Step Specify the activity being funded and indicate amount in the column for the source of funds (IDEA B, IDEA Preschool, State aid); specify it is for students with disabilities, if it isnt obvious For each item, provide program function code and object code from Chart of Accounts

Part V: Goals/Objectives/Activities Subtasks Specific Information Needed For all Steps: Include program/function code, object code and amount Personnel – FTE and type of position (e.g. 1.0 FTE multicategorical sp. ed teacher, 0.5 FTE speech language pathologist, 1.0 FTE teacher of autism,)

Part V: Goals/Objectives/Activities Subtasks SERVICES Include type of service, budget codes and amounts PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT Include PD topics and target audience in the subtasks Indicate type of expenditure and amount as a subtasks with applicable program/function code, object code and amount MATERIALS, SUPPLIES, EQUIPMENT Indicate items to be purchased for SWD (or gifted 21271, state funds only)

Part V: Goals/Objectives/Activities Subtasks FACILITIES OTHER STUDENTS PARENTALLY PLACED IN PRIVATE SCHOOLS Required amount must be budgeted and spent for services agreed to in the plan developed through consultation

Private Schools Districts must update the plan for spending a proportionate share of IDEA funds on students parentally placed in private schools through consultation with representatives of private schools any time a significant change occurs and recommended annually IDEA funds must be expended Can provide services and equipment/materials for implementing students service plans Cant give funds or property to private schools After a carry-over period of one year, LEA may apply to transfer unexpended funds

Private Schools District maintains the count of eligible students (not just those receiving services) District enters count into the boxes in the Compliances - LEA-Private Schools screen and the FY14 required amount auto calculates Until allocations are available use draft tables and the Excel calculator to determine amount These amounts (school age and preschool) must be included in the budget under program/function code

Part VI: Itemization of Equipment Part VI – Itemization of equipment is required for item costing $5,000 or more for single item Provide the detail requested


Supplement, Not Supplant, No Particular Cost Test If the LEA maintains (or exceeds) its level of local, or state and local, expenditures for special education and related services from year to year, either in total or per capita, then the Part B funds are supplementing those local, or state and local, expenditures and the LEA has met its MOE and supplement/not supplant requirements.

Maintenance of Effort Assurance for Funding Eligibility Many districts are struggling to maintain effort To be eligible for plan approval and to receive a grant award for FY 14, the LEA must submit a FY14 LEA budget that assures MOE will be met Medicaid funds spent for students with disabilities are not counted as local funds for MOE (CFO reports to WVDE and codes Medicaid revenues and expenditures in WVEIS for FY14) Use of Medicaid funds for special education provides flexibility year to year without affecting MOE

Special Ed Director and CSBO and Superintendent Assure MOE This is the eligibility test based on expenditures pulled from the WVEIS financial management system from the most recent year compared to the LEA-provided budget amount. COMPLIANCE is met through actual to actual expenditure comparison. If compliance is not met, the LEA must pay back the difference in non-federal funds. REPAYMENT

Four Tests to Meet MOE An LEA needs to only meet ONE of the following comparison tests: 1)Local & State expenditures in total for SWD 2)Local Only expenditures for SWD 3)The per student amount of Local & State expenditures for SWD 4)The per student amount of Local Only expenditures for SWD First must budget adequate amount; then must spend

MOE Determination Expenditures pulled by online plan, however, several adjustments may be needed to these amounts Special Education MOE Comparison table for the two state/local calculations has been distributed with OPEB and other approved adjustments These amounts are entered into application, Part VII: MOE Special treatment for use of CEIS funds is required; contact the OSP if applicable

MOE Determination Expenditures pulled by online plan, however, several adjustments may be needed to these amounts Special Education MOE Comparison table for the two state/local calculations has been distributed with OPEB and other approved adjustments These amounts are entered into application, Part VII: MOE Special treatment for use of CEIS funds is required; contact the OSP if applicable

Local Only MOE Most districts met MOE for state/local (see table) Districts not meeting the state/local MOE need to enter amounts from the local only MOE screen Screen has been updated to remove objects 217, 235 Adjustments for Medicaid, if not properly coded, OPEB excluded in FY11 and reductions previously approved may be needed to determine final calculation

MOE Reduction Districts not meeting MOE must provide and document allowable reasons why a reduction should be approved. For FY14, no increase in federal funds exists, so this reason will not be applicable Use of CEIS funding affects the calculation, so contact the OSP for assistance with the calculations

MOE – Allowable Reasons to Reduce MOE 1.The voluntary departure, by retirement or otherwise, or departure for just cause, of special education or related services personnel (paid with state funds and replaced with less costly personnel or not replaced) 2.A decrease in the enrollment of children with disabilities (for the years in question) 3.The termination of the obligation of the agency, consistent with Part B, to provide a program of special education to a particular child with a disability that is an exceptionally costly program

MOE – Allowable Reasons (cont.) 4.The termination of costly expenditures for long-term purchases, such as the acquisition of equipment or the construction of school facilities 5. The assumption of cost by the high cost fund operated by the SEA under 34 CFR § (c).

Part VIII – Budget Amount Dont Forget – MOE Eligibility Enter amount in state/local funds budgeted for students with disabilities for the coming year Enter December 1, 2012 child count (has been corrected from original template) for comparison purposes Actual amount will be based on the December 2013 count, which is not yet available.


Part B Excess Cost IDEA IDEA funds may only be used to pay the excess costs of providing special education and related services for children with disabilities See 34 CFR § (a)(2) 7/21/09 RRC IFA Subgroup Part B Excess Cost 30

Excess Cost Assurance for Funding Eligibility – Excess costs are those costs for the education of an elementary school or secondary school student with a disability that are in excess of the average annual per student expenditure in an LEA during the preceding school year for an elementary or secondary school student. – Includes general education, so it does not compare directly to MOE, which is special education only) CSBO and special education director review information in Excess Cost screen pulled from WVEIS and provide assurance that excess cost will be met in Enter the amount calculated in the online plan screen separately for elementary education and secondary education


Coordinated Early Intervening Services (CEIS) Services for students in K-12 who are not identified as students with disabilities and who need additional academic and behavior supports to remain in the general education environment Must define and identify which students are the recipients of CEIS and track them for two years to document non-eligible or eligible status. WVDE will provide tracking protocol.

CEIS May Include: 1.professional development in research-based academic and behavioral interventions including literacy instruction and adaptive/instructional software 2.evaluation, services and supports including literacy instruction – the WVDE defines literacy as reading, math and writing

CEIS CEIS amount is calculated on IDEA, Part B (School Age and Preschool) allocation Funds expended may come from IDEA, Part B only or include Preschool Amount and number of students served and identified is reported to OSEP in a new Section 618 report CEIS Report is submitted in Part X of the Special Education Plan

Click Yes here (Default setting is No) Required by June 15 each school year after CEIS are provided WVEISweb tracking – CEIS Data

Mandatory or Voluntary CEIS Mandatory Use of CEIS: LEA is identified with Significant Disproportionality by race/ethnicity in LRE, identification or discipline LEA must reserve the maximum amount (i.e., 15% IDEA funds) Funds are used to address the Significant Disproportionality No option to reallocate funds Voluntary Use of CEIS: LEA opts to set aside IDEA funds for the provision of services to students without disabilities (SWODs) LEA may use up to the maximum amount Funds address district determined need LEA may also reallocate any unspent funds while funds are available for obligation

CEIS and Supplement Not Supplant CEIS funds may be used to supplement but not to supplant services provided with funds available under the ESEA (e.g. after school tutoring, school improvement activities) Violations include: – Funding services otherwise required by state, federal or local law – Funding services paid in prior year, e.g. previously paid by Title I This may be rebutted if the services would not have been funded from other sources if CEIS were not available

CEIS Plan Section Need for program Entrance criteria – definition of student needing additional academic and/or behavior support Describe program, interventions, professional development, curriculum/materials, targeted subject, schools, grades Progress monitoring and exit criteria How funds will be spent

Online Plan State/local MOE screens have been updated but adjustments may be needed Enter adjustments only in the Excel template Local MOE screen is updated and may be accessed to obtain data for the Excel template, as needed Excess cost screen is updated and used for the Excel template Other screens have not been updated. Printing/submission – old plans still available

Plan Review OSP staff, including monitors, will review the plan using the checklist (see handouts) Director will receive an from the reviewer with the results (review checklist) Resubmit the plan by with the corrections. When approved, an will be sent to the special education director. Plan is either fully approved or approved pending (WVEIS) budget revision

Questions OSP Fiscal Resources Web Page Sandra McQuain, Ed. D. Office of Special Programs (304)