21 st Century HSTW Model School Guidance and Advisement Component WORKSHOP OVERVIEW Bridgeport, WV April 24-25, 2007 Barbara Brady Blackburn WVDE School Counseling Coordinator
Tuesday, April 24, :30 a.m. WELCOME 8:40–10:015 Policy 2315 Review ASCA National Model: A Framework for School Counseling Programs® 10:15 BREAK 10:30 Use of Data to Guide Your Program 12–12:45 p.m. Networking Lunch 12:45–2:15 School Counseling Program Audit Are you Ready for the National MODEL RAMP 2:15–2:30 BREAK 2:30-4:15 School Counseling/Guidance and Advisement ADVISORY COUNCIL
Wednesday, April 25, :30–8:15 a.m. BREAKFAST 9:30–9:15 WV Pathways to Success 10:15 EDGE Program Helping Parents Coach Students to Success 10:30–11:15 High School Character Ed Programs 12:00–12:45 p.m. LUNCH 1:15–1:45 Parent Involvement 1:45–2:00 BREAK 2:00–3:00 Group Planning and REPORT OUT
Objectives/Workshop Overview Learn about the changing role of the school counselor through an overview of Policy 2315 (WVs State Policy governing school counseling based on the American School Counseling Associations National Model ® ) Develop a Plan for the Guidance and Advisement Team to collaborate with the School Counselor to enhance Academic, Career and Personal/Social development for ALL students.
Objectives/Workshop Overview Learn how to use data to guide school counseling programs Review of and completion of the School Counseling (SC) Program Audit by each school Review of and Completion of Are Your Ready For ASCAs National Model? Review Guidelines for RAMP (Recognized ASCA National Model Program)
Objectives/Workshop Overview How to organize a SC Advisory Committee. Each school will brainstorm about potential members and how to utilize the committee. Components of Advisor/Advisee programs. Participants will brainstorm about relevant lesson plans in academic, career and personal/social develop and how this can be implemented in their sites.
Objectives/Workshop Overview Review the WVDE website on WV Pathways to Success, which is a comprehensive website for counselors to use with students to select career cluster and majors. This website has links into many career programs that allows students to analyze their interests and academic preparedness and apply that to current job market demands.
Objectives/Workshop Overview Learn about researched best practices in Character Ed and brainstorm with participants about potential programs to implement or how to strengthen programs in your school. Learn about the college EDGE program as an avenue for students to earn college credit while in HS. Brainstorm on how to increase enrollment in this program. Review the booklet Coaching Your Student to Success and brainstorm about how to deliver this information to parents.
Objectives/Workshop Overview Review the WV Clearinghouse website and help brainstorm on how to give all students access to this website in a comprehensive, effective way. This comprehensive website assists students in post secondary exploration and the application process. It allows students to register on line for the ACT/SAT, has a study skills section, coaches the student on resume and essay development, provides interests inventories, allows students to search career and post-secondary options, and allows them to apply on line for scholarships, financial aid, and postsecondary institutions and more.
Objectives/Workshop Overview Participants will review current research on parent involvement and brainstorm ways to involve parents in their schools. The meeting will conclude with each school brainstorming about what their Guidance and Advisement Program will consist of and setting three major goals to complete during the school year.
Guidance and Advisement Goals Improve relationships between faculty and students Allow students to develop a sense of belonging Promote school as a safe haven for students Develop a faculty who advocates for students Monitor Academic progress, attendance and behavioral concerns
Studies show… Malcolm Smith Eli Newberger (author of The Men They Will Become) Have a dream Have a significant adult Have a direct connection to their career or post- secondary institution of choice
Keys to Keeping Kids in School Provide Opportunities for Success in School Communicate the relevance of education to future endeavors Create a caring and supportive environment Help students with personal problems
Guidance and Advisement Goals Assist students with planning their sequence of courses Involve parents in their students education Advise on postsecondary education and careers Ensure students take a rigorous core curriculum and choose an appropriate career cluster/pathway
Guidance and Advisement Goals Ensure student see relevance between high school curriculum and goals for the world of work Provide a collaborative/systemic approach to engage all students
Resources: National Center on Secondary Education and Transition (NCSET), University Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities (UCEDD). University of Minnesota Southern Region Education Board (SREB) Establishing an Effective Guidance and Advisement System pubs/07V08w_online_newsletter_march20 07.pdf pubs/07V08w_online_newsletter_march20 07.pdf