Employee Assistance Program for NPF Employees
2 HR Business Plan Strategic Objective Key Result Area Employee Assistance Program Develop an NPF employee EAP The NPP BoD at its meeting on 22 January 2004 approved the CFPSA Strategic Plan for which included the strategic objectives for the CFPSA HR Division
3 HR Top 10 Priorities LR Training Implementation of pension Buy-Back Health and Safety Policy Implementation Employment Equity Compliance and Implementation Official Languages Policy Review Employability of Military Family members EAP Data Integrity Coordination of meetings (Base and HQ) HR Managers Educational Conference in the fall
4 Purpose of the EAP To fulfil one of the essential elements of the Employee Relationship Management (ERM) components by providing NPF employees with access to an Employee Assistance Program (EAP). The benefits of an EAP are: reducing employee turnover and absenteeism; reducing claims for long-term disability, workers compensation, accidents, grievances, and theft; reducing the number of legal actions against the employer; improving employee performance, productivity, morale, concentration, and relationships with co-workers; and reducing costs of medical plans, sick leave, and training new hires.
5 Workforce employees [CAT I, CAT II, CAT III] 1,440 unionized CAT I employees (operational and administrative) including: 865 part time and 575 full time Twenty-four (24) bargaining units housed in nineteen (19) geographical locations across the country Three bargaining agents: PSAC/UNDE, UFCW, and HSTU
6 Background Feb 99 – Discussions with DND to extend EAP to NPF, but rejected on advice of CF LA as NPF outside mandate May 00 - Arrangements with MFRCs to provide EAP Oct 03 - Access to MFRC EAP services discontinued as outside mandate NPP BoD approved a budget of $60K for to implement an EAP program for NPF employees
7 Present Jun 04 – Engaged Mercer Consulting to conduct a Request for Proposal (RPF) Five organizations submitted proposals and two (Warren Shepell and FGI) were selected to make presentations to a committee FGI & Warren Shepell similar in many respects, but Warren Shepell has been selected based on an overall assessment
10 Present Warren Shepell provides the following features: –Staff have Masters degree (min), 5 years clinical experience and 10 years EAP experience –Bilingual –Services at all locations, incl Germany and can provide telephone contact for Bosnia and Afghanistan –Provides on-site orientation to employees and managers at all Cdn locations –All print support materials provided –24/7 call centre –References (two) very supportive
11 Present Cost is $105,672 for 12 months with unlimited services Depending on experience, actual costs likely to be lower Based on industry standards of employee utilization of 7% of population, and average of 4 sessions, estimated actual annual cost is $85K
12 DND EAP DND would assist NPF in setting up the DND referral model Potential problems with anonymity and confidentiality due to small work force With so few RAs absences would cause operational problems DND annual costs for training, administration, promotion, conferences, salaries of National and Regional staff is $897K (not including salaries of employees while performing duties of RA) Estimated costs for NPF, not including conferences, etc, are: –Year 1 – training of Referral Agents $186K –Year 1 – Referral Agents duties $173K –Subsequent years – on-going training due to turn-over and performance of duties
13 Recommendation/Decision Requested Approval for CFPSA to enter into a contract with Warren Sheppell to provide an EAP to NPF
14 Questions??