Five -Year Strategic Title I School Plan
Session Objectives Review the five year components utilizing the rubric Organize actions steps to meet the requirements of NCLB Plan sustained professional development to support the implementation of the strategies Complete the Title I section of the plan
The school administrators have a tremendous influence on how the plan will be viewed by others. It is the attitude of the leadership that impacts the success of the process.
Strategic Plan The power of this tool is derived from three things… The process of developing the plan The contents of the plan The process of implementation
Core Components of the Plan Five Year Components Membership Core beliefs Mission Data Analysis Goals and Objectives High yield practices/strategies Annual Updates Work plan Federal compliances Technology Budget OEPA Printing
Strategic Planning Committee Membership
Evaluate Core Beliefs Using the rubric section for core beliefs, evaluate the core beliefs developed by the school staff.
Evaluate Mission Statement Using the rubric section for the mission statement, evaluate the mission developed by the school staff.
Data Analysis Four types of data to be examined: External Trends Student Achievement Data Other Student Outcome Data Data about Culture/Conditions
Lets Summarize the Utilization of Data Student Achievement Data Goals and Objectives External Trend DataStrategies Other Student Outcome Data Strategies Culture, Conditions, and Practices Strategies
Evaluate Data Analysis Using the rubric section for the data, evaluate the data analysis completed by the school staff.
Evaluate Goal Statements Using the rubric section for goals and evidence, evaluate the goals developed by the school staff.
Question to Consider What is the relationship between goals and objectives?
Evaluate Objectives and Benchmarks Using the rubric section for objectives and benchmarks, evaluate the objectives and benchmarks developed to meet the goals.
High Yield Practices/Strategies HOW part of achieving the objectives Research based methods used to improve student achievement
Considerations when Choosing Strategies and Action Steps Emphasize strategies rather than programs Analyze resources needed Consider the timetable Determine who is responsible for implementation and monitoring Evaluate conditions that must change in order to implement the strategy/action steps Determine the new skills and knowledge that are necessary to implement - PD
Evaluate Current Strategies Strategy What is the selected strategy? Now Is it in place? Has it been implemented consistently and pervasively within the classrooms utilizing the strategy? Then What increases have been indicated in student achievement as a result of the implementation of the strategy?
Work Plan - Action Steps Designed to implement the strategies Sequential Interrelated processes
Evaluate Action Steps Using the rubric section for action steps, evaluate the action steps developed to meet the objectives.
Question to Consider Why is professional development essential to the successful implementation of the strategic plan?
What is professional development? Professional development is the process of improving staff skills and competencies needed to produce increased educational achievement for students by creating a new classroom culture.
Professional Development Review the action steps. Determine the professional development necessary to successfully implement the strategies. Design professional development over a period of time to build from an awareness to the institutionalization of the strategy.
Long Range Planning for Professional Development Robby Champion suggests that professional development be planned in a three to four year period which permits professional development to be differentiated and delivered in four levels: Awareness Developmental Transfer Institutionalization
Steps to Building a Sustained Professional Development Plan 1. Awareness (Beginning stage) Action research (review and sharing) Materials display University class Awareness level seminar Portable job aides View videos Book studies Reading professional materials Visit model programs Informal conversations State/LEA conferences Internet research Study groups 2. Developmental (Partial implementation) Academy Demonstration lessons Reflection logs Analyzing student work Developmental workshops Shadowing experiences Cadre of in house trainers Mentors Consultant National conferences Coaching from outside expert Observation and feedback from principal
Steps to Building a Sustained Professional Development Plan 3. Transfer (Full implementation) Collaborative planning and teaching Peer coaching/feedback Leading school committees Reflection logs Networks by electronics Newsletters 4. Institutionalization (Maintenance) Giving presentations / professional development Job exchanges National Board certification Portfolios Self-assessment Writing for publication
Title I Updates Upon choosing the Title I program (Schoolwide or Targeted Assistance) of the school, the on-line version of the plan will automatically move to specific requirements for that particular program.
Budget Using the entire amount of funding available for a school, determine an annual budget.
Evaluate Budget Using the rubric section for the budget, evaluate the budget to reflect the alignment of resources necessary to accomplish goals and objectives.
Presentation of the Plan The final draft should be presented to the staff, other stakeholders, and central office staff for final revisions and modifications.
What technical assistance is still needed to help your school teams complete their strategic plan?