Almighty Apostles Creed
I believe in God The Father Almighty Maker of heaven and Earth.
THE NATURE OF GOD 1 Timothy 1:17 says: Give glory to the King eternal Immortal Wise Invisible Only God How do these qualities affect us?
Which trait helps us when … We don’t like the way He is answering our prayers (pick a trait that would help us accept his answer) Give glory to the King, eternal, Immortal, Wise, Invisible, Only God
Which trait helps us when … We wonder if he is really stronger than death --- (pick a trait that would help us) Give glory to the King, eternal, Immortal, Wise, Invisible, Only God
Which trait helps us when … We wonder if we are believing in the right God? (pick a trait that would help us) Give glory to the King, eternal, Immortal, Wise, Invisible, Only God
Since He is a King, That means we are in His kingdom
Is another word for being in God’s family, having eternal life. THE KINGDOM OF GOD
God promised the kingdom to Abraham when he made a covenant and said “I will be God to you and to your descendants” We are in God’s Kingdom already, and, at the end of the world, we will see “new heavens and a new earth…. God Himself will be with us as our God. THE KINGDOM OF GOD
A lot of Jesus’ parables are to help us understand life in the Kingdom of God. It is Based on grace, not on how deserving you are. THE KINGDOM OF GOD
THE NAME OF GOD At the burning bush, God told his name of Moses. God said his name was “I am.” In the Hebrew language, that sounds like this” Yahweh.” In English, we say it as “Jehovah.” In your Bible, whenever the word Yahweh appears, it is translated as LORD all in caps. This is because the Jewish people felt it was more respectful to call God “Lord” instead of saying his name.
JESUS CALLED HIMSELF THAT NAME “Jesus said to them, “before Abraham was, I am.” Therefore the Jews took up stones to through at him. (In other words, the Jews knew that Jesus was claiming to be God.
OTHER NAMES FOR GOD God has names that show his connection to us. IN OLD TESTAMENT The God of Abraham The God of Israel IN NEW TESTAMENT God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ God is “our” father All these mean that God is PERSONAL, not just a FORCE.
And He is OUR God … because we are united to Jesus Jesus said, “I am going to my Father and YOUR father, to my God and YOUR God,.” John 20:17
And He is OUR God … because we are united to Jesus “If you are united to Christ, then you are Abraham’s offspring and you get the PROMISE made to him.” Gal. 3:29 WHAT PROMISE? God said to Abraham that He would be “God to YOU and to YOUR OFFSPRING after you.” Gen 17:7
Since He is GOD TO US That means the greatest power in the universe is there for us. So it’s not just that He is “almighty,” but He is “almighty FOR US.” “If God is for us, who can be against us?” Romans 8:33
Worship with this Verse: To the King of Ages Immortal, invisible, the only God, Be honor and glory Forever and ever. Amen 1 Timothy 1:17