/tv.onlinemovi esportsandtv.com/wp- content/uploads/2012/11/ Tom-and-Jerry- Cartoons.jpg content/uploads/2009/09/betty-boop.jpeg
The average pay of a cartoonist is 50,000 to 75,000 a year and a bonus of 77,500. Salary is effected by low views in the first plot you show on television. The higher your views the more pay sometimes each viewer. Also copyright drawings so no one will take your pay on purpose or mistake.
Formal education and training. 2- year degree in collage. Licenses and certifications. Practice and a long lasting cartoon. Formal education and training. 2- year degree in collage. Licenses and certifications. Practice and a long lasting cartoon.
Sketches and submit cartoon idea. Develop personal ideas that lasts long for a year. Model of sketches idea. Develop color pattern and moods. Sketches and submit cartoon idea. Develop personal ideas that lasts long for a year. Model of sketches idea. Develop color pattern and moods.
Digital pencils for drawing and digital pad to draw on. Cartoon network, Disney. Digital pencils for drawing and digital pad to draw on. Cartoon network, Disney.
Google search engine. Ehow.com Bing Search Engine Salary.com
It takes 6 years in some in collage in some other countries to be a cartoonist mostly in Europe and China.
YearSalary AmountPercent ProportionAmount of 3% increaseBeginning Salary for next year 0 59, x = 59, $1170 $60, , x =60, $ $62, , x =62, $ $64, , x =64, $ $66, , x =64, $ $68, , x =68, $ $70, , x =70, $ $72, , x =72, $ $74, , x =74, $ $76, , x =76, $ $79, ,291.07