Grammar Unit Let’s review...
There are 8 parts of speech Noun Pronoun Adjective Verb Adverb Preposition Conjunction Interjection
What is the FIRST part of speech?
The Noun! The noun is the first of the eight parts of speech. Nouns can be used in different ways. They can be common or proper. They can be subjects of sentences or direct objects, predicate nominatives, objects of prepositions, and Indirect objects. There are also nouns of address, objects of infinitives, and gerund nouns. Nouns, nouns, nouns … where do we begin?
Nouns name people, places, things, or ideas People: Mr. Johnson, mother, woman, Maria Places: city, home, Texas, Canada Things: house, ring, shoe, table, desk, month, light Ideas: grief, democracy, courage, obedience
Now it’s your turn... Copy the chart below on a clean sheet of paper. PEOPLEPLACES THINGSIDEAS
You have TWO minutes to write down as many nouns as possible and place them in the four categories on your chart. You MUST have items in ALL four categories. GO!!!
Concrete & Abstract Nouns Concrete nouns can be touched. Abstract nouns (like love, bitterness, happiness, or joking) cannot be touched but are, nonetheless, still nouns because they name entities. Now, think of and write down 5 Concrete and 5 Abstract Nouns.
Common & Proper Nouns Nouns that begin with a CAPITOL LETTER are proper nouns. They have a specific name or title and refer to a particular person, place, thing, or idea. Common nouns do not begin with capital letters because they are less specific. Here is a comparison: Common nouns are country, language, mother, brother, teacher, pastor. Those same nouns as Proper nouns might be England, German, Mother Theresa, Sammy, Ms. Holstrom, Pastor Hill. Now it’s your turn. Think of and write down 5 Common Nouns and then write down the Proper Noun for each.
Nouns of address This is a noun used to call upon a person for his or her attention. It can be the person's name or the name by which he or she is known. Here are some examples. Find the nouns. Cindy, why are you here? (Noun of direct address is Cindy) Mom, please help me. (Mom) I didn't understand, Judge, that I had to tell the truth. (Judge) Don't you dare leave this room, Kelly! (Kelly)
Nouns of direct address Nouns of direct address are "set off" by commas. If the noun of direct address comes at the beginning of the sentence, it is followed by a comma. If the noun of direct address is in the middle of the sentence, put commas before AND after it. If the noun of direct address is at the end of the sentence, put the comma before it.
Now... Let us consider what we have learned. Turn to a clean sheet of paper...
Get out a clean sheet of paper. Close your notebooks or turn over your sheet of notes and test yourself. You have 2 minutes to write down everything that you can remember about what you have learned today about NOUNS.
Now... Find someone with different color hair from you. Take two minutes to copy everything they have on their paper that you didn’t get, and give them everything on yours. You have TWO minutes. GO!!!
And Again... Find someone with different color shirt from you. Take two more minutes to copy everything they have on their paper that you did not get, and give them everything on yours. Do NOT duplicate information. You have ONE minute. GO!!!
Finally... Take a few minutes to look over everything on your paper. You will have a Noun Quiz in a few minutes.
NOUN HOMEWORK In a newspaper or magazine, or on the internet, find an article that interests you and is at least 10 lines long. Tape the article to a clean sheet of paper. Underling and identify all the nouns in the article just as you did in the practice above. Due Tomorrow at the beginning of class.