First Paper Money Invented By: Nicolas de Levay AOI: Human Ingenuity Unit Question: when does the past become the future?
Who decided to have paper money? The Chinese In the Han Dynasty Emperor Ho-Ti decided to have paper money. Ts'ai Lun started to make the first paper making industry then Ts'ai Lun showed some samples of paper to Emperor Ho-Ti. Ts'ai lun was working at the imperial court at the Han dynasty. Ts'ai Luns industry was a huge success, and it began to be used all over china.
Where did it first happen? In the wealthy and ancient country of China around six hundred and fifty bc and was first started and opened by Ts'ai lun who had a very successful factory industry and program.
What material was used The chinese mixed chopped mulberry(which is a type of bush or a tree.) bark and hemp(hemp is plant grown for fiber.) rags with water mashing it flat then the water would have been pressed out and dried on the Sun
When could they have used it? I think chinese could have used paper money for when there was a time you would want to buy something you would pay a paper note or money and you would get what you would wanted to buy.
Why did they decide to have paper money? I think that the Chinese decided to have paper money because it would have been easier for the people to use paper money because instead of using other things because all you have to do is pay a paper note or money.
Bibliography: WAD9liJInKCVzy9eFbO4URwrzZRBQCO7WnJ