Simulation Walk Through See how your learners might use a simulation on your course.
This Walk Through Although this presentation walks you through a specific business simulation (Product Launch) the process described here applies to business simulations where the learners use the simulator themselves such as the:Product Launch »Concepts SeriesConcepts Series »Planning SeriesPlanning Series »Process SeriesProcess Series »Foundation ChallengeFoundation Challenge »Training ChallengeTraining Challenge
Product Launch This simulation is one of a family of simulations to help explore business concepts. Learners launch a unique new product with, initially, no competition. It involves several teams of three to five people exploring marketing and financial concepts. Where the learners use their own computer with printer with the trainer coaching and challenging as appropriate.
What is required A computer with printer for each team. A room to brief the group and run the simulation. Where, teams with their computers are spread around the room. A trainer to brief and review the simulation and challenge and coach the learners as necessary as the simulation progresses.
The Time Table Initial briefing (10 minutes) Run the simulation for eight simulated periods (100 minutes) Compare and discuss (10 minutes) Total duration – 2 hours
The Briefing The group as a whole is briefed about the simulation from customisable slides.
Break into teams The group is split into teams of three to five people each using their own computer. Where they prepare and familiarise using the written brief, plan and prepare their decisions and then enter them into the simulation. No!? Lets start making decisions anyway Do we know what we are doing?
Preparing the Simulator Now (while the teams are starting) or earlier, the trainer can get ready by: –Enabling the full version –Changing the version (if appropriate) –Checking that the printer works! On all the computers being used. A code is supplied that enables the full simulation Versions changed from Tutor’s Options (see later)
Participants’ Brief Customisable consisting of: –Description of the Task –Business Information –The Decisions to make –The Results produced –Market Research But short (2 pages)
Simulation The learner’s should to run their business for eight simulated periods where: –Decisions are entered –A period is simulated –Results are displayed & printed –The learners analyse the results and replan As the trainer is not directly in the decision-making loop, he or she, must move between the teams, answering questions, looking at their results and, as necessary, challenging and coaching.
Team’s enter their decisions directly into the computer using a template. Decision Entry Use the mouse or arrow keys to move around. Enter decisions that change – entries shown in red After entry and before simulation, the decisions are checked to see if they are legal or unusual and if so are commented on to allow the teams to reconsider and, perhaps, change.
Simulation and Results Simulation takes seconds and the results are automatically printed and displayed on the screen. The results consist of reports and comments. Depending on the simulation version, these can evolve as the simulation progresses.
Comments As the trainer is not in the decision-making cycle he or she may not identify learning opportunities or problems. Let’s think about this Because of this the simulation produces comments to stimulate thought and discussion. Have we considered this?Who forecasted demand?Bankers – that’s insulting! Examples
Continue for several periods Lets not worry Are we on plan? Do we have a plan?
Competition Arrives Just when the teams are getting comfortable competitors enter the market! But the learners have some warning. We are ready. Are you sure?
Ending Review After simulating 8 periods it is possible to review performance. The review covers several areas. We should compare this with the other teams
Ending Analysis Besides the review reports the simulation analyses the results and produces a commentary discussing this. Well we did OK. But could have done better.
The Review Reflecting the shortness of the simulation, this is a short comparison of results covering: –Initial Price and Promotion –Worst Cash (before competition arrives) –Maximum Penetration (before competition) –Price (after competition has arrived) –Cumulative Profit The trainer should use these to reinforce learning about basic marketing and finance.
Tutor’s Options These are accessed from the team name by entering a code and then a password. A menu of options is then displayed giving the trainer control over the simulation. Return to Team Name Question Exit simulation. Change printer etc. Copy team data to flash drive Explain calculations Restart ended team. Enter release code Permanently removes data Extra review information End simulation for a team Allow a period to be rerun Changes the version
Versions Typical of all my simulations, the simulation you can choose from several versions to allow you to match to your learning needs, to your learners and to the time available. This is the basic version when you have little time. This is a little more complex. This introduces extra reports as the simulation progresses.
Documentation Besides the customisable documents already discussed there are –Briefing Slides –Participants’ Manual –Decision Form –Work Sheets You can download –Reporting Pack –Using the Simulator –Running the Simulation And the tutor’s manual (background notes) can be ed to you.
Online Help To help the learners there is a comprehensive on-line,context sensitive, help system to help with: –Using the software –The current task or report –Explaining results Additionally, other simulations have an online manual.
Overview The simulator was designed taking into account running simulations over two thousand times and this ensures easy, robust and speedy use. The extensive use of the simulation with business people on company training courses ensures that it reliably delivers learning. Help and advice is always available ((from
How might you use Product Launch and similar simulations can be used in several ways such as: –To reinforce finance/marketing learningTo reinforce finance/marketing learning –As an ice breaker (on any business course)As an ice breaker (on any business course) –As a team working/building activityAs a team working/building activity –To provide an invigorating (evening) activityTo provide an invigorating (evening) activity –Engaging conference activityEngaging conference activity
Further Details The evaluation copy of the simulation, documentation and sample results can be downloaded from: And for the other Concepts Series Simulations via: Acumen Simulations For information about business simulations and their use: Or Contact