COURSE TECHNOLOGY CENGAGE LEARNING CONFERENCE 2011 emerge with Computers Ken Baldauf & Beverly Amer
Bridging the Gap emerge Is an entirely new online learning framework designed for teaching Technology Concepts, Issues, and Skills to the iGeneration.
The process of education is at a tipping point. We will rapidly transition from bound books and lectures to online interactive content with real-world implications and collaborative learning.
“Electronic books continue to generate strong interest in the consumer sector and are increasingly available on campuses as well. Modern electronic readers support note-taking and research activities, and are beginning to augment these basic functions with new capabilities — from immersive experiences to support for social interaction — that are changing our perception of what it means to read.” #1 Trend “Mobiles enable ubiquitous access to information, social networks, tools for learning and productivity, and much more.” #2 Trend
Exceptional educators are increasingly using digital media and interactive practices to ignite student’s curiosity, help them become civically engaged, allow them to collaborate with peers worldwide, and empower them to direct their own learning.
“I’m calling for investments in educational technology that will help create digital tutors that are as effective as personal tutors, educational software as compelling as the best video game.” –President Obama
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Hallmarks of Emerge ContentNavigationRelevanceSkillsToolsChoice emerge
Emerge v3.0 (coming July 1)
Emerge v3.0 - Skills
Philosophy Just like you’d teach it, one-on- one Friendly Applications build a complete project Project-Based Replaces need for print manual Engaging
Office 2010 Working with Graphics Common Formatting Functions Common Editing Functions Working with Tables Printing & Publishing Sharing Content
Word 2010 Body Balance Business Plan Document Formatting Academic Publishing Tools Integration with Excel
Excel 2010 Madison Artists Gallery Cells & Cell Data Formulas Functions Formatting Spreadsheet Graphics Integration with PowerPoint
PowerPoint 2010 Mission Street Inn Slides & Text Using Graphic Objects Integration with Excel Slide Shows Presenting & Publishing
Access 2010 Wild West Tours Database Tables Datasheets & Forms Queries & Reports Integration with Excel and text files
Additional Lessons OutlookOneNote Office Web Apps Advanced Excel Tools
Emerge 3.0 as SAM Section Textbooks SAM Exam, Training, and Project content remediated to Emerge 3.0 (June 1) site headings for easy cross- reference for instructors and students.
Emerge 3.0 SAM Auto-graded Projects
Choice Delivery Options – Your Learning Management System (LMS) – Cengage Learning Management System (CLMS) Versions – Emerge with Computers: computer concepts, social issues & productivity skills. – Emerge with Computer Concepts: computer concepts & social issues. – Emerge with IC3: IC3 digital literacy approach Print Companion – Bundle the print companion for just $10. Product Packages
COURSE TECHNOLOGY CENGAGE LEARNING CONFERENCE 2011 emerge with Computers Down the road with…
COURSE TECHNOLOGY CENGAGE LEARNING CONFERENCE 2011 emerge with Computers Teaching with