EOQ BALANCED SCORECARD Financial What should we do to achieve a sound financial situation? Customer How should we appear to our customers to achieve our.


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Presentation transcript:

EOQ BALANCED SCORECARD Financial What should we do to achieve a sound financial situation? Customer How should we appear to our customers to achieve our vision? VISION AND STRATEG Y Internal Business Processes To satisfy our shareholders and customers, what business processes must we excel at? Learning and Growth To achieve our vision, how will we sustain our ability to change and improve? Obje ctives Meas ures Tar gets Initiat ives Objec tives Meas ures Tar gets Initiat ives Obje ctives Meas ures Tar gets Initiat ives Obje ctives Meas ures Tar gets Initiat ives

1.Financial Perspective: ObjectivesMeasuresTargetsInitiativesResponsible person To become a financially sound organization - Result of cash-flow every 6 months - Result of yearly budget To have a positive result in 2008 Obtaining better financial results from EOQ’s main products such as Congress and PRU To increase reserve fund Amount of reserve fund To increase our reserve fund by 10 % in 2008 Increase incomes, control expenditures, raise fund from EU for joint projects To increase Congress incomes Amount of congress income To have an income of Euros as EOQ’s share in 2008 (ask Viktor) Find innovative ways to promote the congress in member countries To increase PRU incomes Amount of PRU income To issue ……… certificates in (ask Salvador) To increase no. of PRU agents to …. by Dec. 07. (ask Salvador) Increase no. of PRU agents/ certificates by promoting PRU activities among EOQ members. To increase EOQ’s income from membership fees from existing members Amount of membership fees (collected!) To collect all fees from existing members To increase membership fees (?) Contact members who do not pay regularly and try to find a solution Decide in the Executive about increasing fees in Prague

ObjectivesMeasuresTargetsInitiativesResponsible person To increase EOQ’s income from members hip fees by gaining new members/ partners No. and type of new members / partners To gain 4 new members in 2007 and 6 in 2008 Increase “EOQ awareness” in member countries through efforts of FMOs in order to attract new members/ partners via new communicati on tools such as EOQ web- site and EOQ booklet. Have clear product strategies for different target groups (companies, hospitals, etc.) To raise money through our new products such as EVROS and EOQ- BLC - Earnings from EVROS - Earnings from EOQ- BLC members hip fees - Reach 100 applicants as a total by December 2007 (first 20 members in each country is free) - Reach 12 members by December 2007 (fees will be paid starting from 2 nd year of membership) - Promotion of EVROS in member countries through the effort of FMOS - Invitation of eligible leaders through personal contact of EOQ-BLC founding members and EOQ General Secretariat

2.Customer Perspective: ObjectivesMeasuresTargetsInitiativesResponsible person To increase member satisfaction in order to make use of our already existing network Level of Member satisfaction - To have at least one representative form each member at EOQ meetings (GA) - To strengthen links with EOQ members/partners - To choose 2 member countries each year and analyze their market demands towards quality tools Organize short surveys to be distributed electronically to National representatives/partners to measure level of satisfaction To increase member involvement taking active role in EOQ activities and promoting EOQ activities in their own countries Level of member commitment - To have at least one EOQ-linked quality-related event by each NR every year (seminar, conference, trainings, summer camp) - To have at least one representative from each member taking active role in EOQ working groups Organize short surveys to be distributed electronically to members/partners to measure level of involvement To improve EOQ’s image and increase publicity Level of EOQ’s publicity in member countries/Euro pe: - No. of web- site visitors - No. of inquiries obtained - No. of media impressions - To reach 150 visitors per month by December 2007 by putting links/banners to related portals - To receive and answer at least 10 inquiries per month by Dec To exist in media at least once every month starting from May Organize short surveys to be distributed in member countries electronically through NRs to measure level of publicity - Prepare a new, more operational and better- looking web-site - Improve existing communication tools (booklet, newsletter, etc.) - Strengthen links with quality media

ObjectivesMeasuresTargetsInitiativesResponsible person To achieve better promotio n of EOQ Congress es in member countries No. of congress attendants - To target a minimum no. of attendants from each member country depending on the size of the country - Electronic advertisement of Annual Congresses by each NR, the e- mails shall be copied to EOQ General Secretariat and/or the organizing NR - To award the most- represented countries by EOQ/Organizing NR. To widen our network No. of new member/p artner applicatio ns To receive applications from at least 6 organizations in 2007 and 10 in 2008 Personal contact and promotion of EOQ in member countries through NRs To be recognize d by internatio nal umbrella organizati ons and thus to increase recognitio n of and demand for EOQ products such as PRU certificate s No. of membersh ip to/ partnershi p with related umbrella organizati ons To be member/partne r of 2 such organizations in 2007 Search for the most relevant umbrella organizations and apply for membership/ finalize membership/partn ership application

3.Internal Business Processes Perspective: ObjectivesMeasuresTargetsInitiativesResponsible person To increase no. of PRU agents and certificate s No. of PRU agents/cert ificates To issue ……… certificates by Dec. 07 (ask Salvador) To increase no. of PRU agents to …. By Dec. 07 (ask Salvador) Increase no. of PRU agents/ certificates by promoting PRU activities among EOQ members. To make EVROS a working network, which creates value for EOQ and its members No. of EVROS participant s No. of EOQ NRs who signed EVROS aggrement Reach 100 applicants as a total by December 2007 (ask Yuri) Promotion of EVROS in member countries through the effort of NRs To attract the right persons to change leaders’ events No. of attendants to the summer/w inter camps - Reach 70 participants in Summer Camp Organize 3 change leaders’ events in Achieve repsentation from each member country. Personal invitation to eligible persons in member countries. To improve EOQ’s links with the business world by creating value for both sides as well as increasin g EOQ’s income No. of BL’s to become members of EOQ BLC - Reach 12 members by December Launch a second club by 2009 Invitation of eligible leaders through personal contact of EOQ-BLC founding members and EOQ General Secretariat

ObjectivesMeasuresTargetsInitiativesResponsible person Increase publicity of EOQ European Quality Leader Award No. of candidates for this award To receive 10 applications from NRs Promotion of EOQ European Quality Leader Award in member countries through the efforts of NRs Launch CQI Company award No. of candidates for this award Develop this award for launching in 2008 Setting up a working committee for this award New product development No. of new product ideas Develop at least 2 new products (trainings, publications, awards or seminars with certain concept such as EOQ Health Seminars etc.) in 2007 and every following year. - Keep track of demands in the field of quality both through our network and by market research - Strengthen links with EC to raise funds for developing new products such as trainings/ seminars/ publications/ award organizations and ceremonies.

4.Learning and Growth Perspective: ObjectivesMeasuresTargetsInitiativesResponsible person To increase member involvement in future EOQ events through increased Member satisfaction and to create an org. preferred by NRs (some of whom are EFQM members at the same time) Level of Member satisfaction %Surveys To create an organization which is preferrable for quality experts to work with Level of Staff satisfaction %Personal interviews To increase member involvement taking active role in EOQ activities and promoting EOQ activities in their own countries Level of Member involvement 70-90%Outputs of each NRs/Representation level of each NRs at EOQ events/ PRU certificates etc. To create a synergy among members to improve EOQ as a whole Level of attendance of NRs to EOQ Events: No. of representative s of NRs at EOQ events 70-90%Surveys To increase EOQ activities in member countries Number of local NR initiatives (in their own countries) 34Recognition among NRs for their contribution to quality