Product, Place, Price & Promotion We need to always keep in the back of our mind the goals and tasks of promotion. In product promotion our job is to ultimately target the customer so that they can make a purchasing decision.
Goals of Promotion Inform – Persuade – Remind
INFORM –Increasing awareness of a new product –Explain how the product works –Suggest new uses for a product –Building a companies image
Persuading –Encouraging the consumer that they are making the right decision / encourage brand switching (Pepsi vs. Coke) –We can change the customers perception of product attributes (generic brands) –Encourage customers to buy NOW!
Remind –Letting others know our product may be needed in the near future –Where to buy the product and when to get it (seasonal stores) –We maintain awareness –Let others know our product may be needed in the near future –Where to buy the product and when to get it (seasonal stores participate In this) –We maintain awareness
Inform – Persuade – Remind When we create advertisements we should consider (always) informing / persuading and reminding our audience of our product.
Inform, Persuade, Remind.
Inform, Persuade, Remind.
Inform, Persuade, Remind.
Inform, Persuade, Remind.
When we create advertisements we should have: AIDA Attention Interest Desire Action
Attention As advertisers we have to capture interest of potential consumers. We have to remember that once we have someone's attention we need to have them remember the product to. NOT SO BRIGHT
Interest After attention comes Interest. Making someone aware of the product does not automatically create interest We have to create Interest this can be done by offering samples, coupons, discounts to try the product, introductory price offers. KABOOM! SNUGGY
Desire Once Attention and Interest are acquired we then create Desire. Consider desire as the final push, it is what might push the consumer into making a buy. This is done by promoting extra features that may appeal to the consumer. (easy to open, value for money, taste... WENDYS
Action We have created Attention, Interest, and desire, now Action Here we actually have made the consumer make a purchase! Coupons, premiums and trial packages may be ways to have a consumer make that final sale.
AIDA THE BEST AD SO FAR ASPRAYASPRAY To Inform is to tell about a product To Persuade is to “buy my brand, not my competitor’s” To Remind is to keep my name in the public eye Attention advertiser creates attention, grabs your attention? Interest Maintaining your interest? Desire If you had money would you be encouraged to make a purchase? Action Force you into action?
Snuggie vs Slanket A story about how advertising using AIDA turns nothing products into a multi-million dollar industry.
Informercial Assignment Your task, in a group of three or four, is to create an infomercial to sell a product of your choice. Your infomercial will be shown in class and should demonstrate all of the steps of the sale. Your goal is to make this fun and interesting for your audience and also to encourage the audience to buy the product.
THE TOPIC OF Print Advertising
Developing Print Advertisements –Ads HAVE! To have the following 4 parts 1.Headline 2.Copy 3.Illustration 4.Signature
Print Advertising Headline Illustration Copy Signature
Print Advertising Headline –Grabs the readers attention (most people only look at headlines) –Action words work well –Headlines need to create interest –Encourages the reader to look at the rest of the ad –The purpose of a headline is to bring the reader into the ad so then they can see the benefit
Print Advertising Headlines –Need to be short and sweet, brief –No more than 7 words –Headlines should have a main focus or idea
Print Advertising Headline Writing Techniques 1.Alliteration – repeating consonant sounds (win with wireless) 2.Paradox – contradictions that could be true (too hot to handle) 3.Rhyme – (Bounty – the quicker picker upper) 4.Pun – humorous use of words (beauty and the beef) 5.Play on words – (for soft babies and baby soft hands)
Print Advertising We talked about Headline now…. 1.Headline 2.Copy 3.Illustration 4.Signature
Print Advertising Copy –Copy is the selling message in a written advertisement –The copy stresses the benefits and features of the product
Print Advertising Copy
Print Advertising Copy –A good copy should also be as direct as possible, not too long not too short –It should create awareness (testimonials are good at that, cite studies, statistics….) this gives value – Develop interest
Print Advertising Copy –Create value in a copy by telling the reader the who, what, when, why, where and how of your product –Use key words in your copy like introduce, save, easy, now….action words –When considering a copy consider the last line should create action (act today, call now…..)
Print Advertising Illustration
Print Advertising Illustration –Two types: Photograph or Drawing –Photographs: –Photographs are great when creating a sense of reality –Photographs are important if you need to show detail
Print Advertising Illustration –Drawing –Drawings are great so show the reader part of the product and detail –Computer Graphic design is now a large part of print advertising
Print Advertising (drawing)
Print Advertising Signature
Print Advertising Signature –A signature is a logo –Symbols or slogans –Usually includes business name, address, telephone……
Print Advertising AD Assignment Create an Ad Assignment Create a rough draft. Then create a professional looking ad. The expectation is that your work will be of high professional quality. These ads will be used to help you at a later date… Can be for an Belleville business Use In-design, Photoshop or Word to create your assignment.
EXAMPLES OF PRINT ADS Example 1 Example 2 Example 3 Example 4 Example 5 Example 6 Example 7 Example 8 Example 9 Example 10 Example 11 Example 12 Example 13 Example 14