Healthy Schools Program: Promoting Physical Activity and Healthy Eating In Schools Across the United States
The Healthy Schools Program Works with schools to create a culture where healthy eating and physical activity is the norm and not the exception Provides no-cost technical assistance, tools and solutions to help schools become healthier places for students and staff Offers schools the opportunity to earn national recognition for their efforts toward a healthier school environment
Participating School Districts in WV Cabell County Jefferson County Tucker County Pocahontas County Hancock County Preston County Mingo County Putnam County Mason County Fayette County Graduating Districts for Raleigh County & Ohio County
Healthy Schools Program Framework Seven Content Areas Policy/Systems School Meals Programs Competitive Foods and Beverages Health Education Employee Wellness Physical Education Student Wellness A set of best practice criteria that provide guidelines for a healthier school environment
Six Step Process
School Wellness Councils
A School Wellness Council (SWC) is a group made up of individuals who represent the school and community population. The SWC works together to lead and implement all aspects of developing a healthy school environment. What are School Wellness Councils?
Benefits of a School Wellness Council Increase parent and community involvement in the school Provide a means for improving school health policies and programs Educate the community about the school and health issues Link schools with community health and social services and resources
Possible Members of a School Wellness Council SWC School Staff School Nurses Food Service Directors Students Local Health Dept. Policy Makers Parents Community Members Educators School Board
Key Elements to Making Your SWC Efficient and Effective Active administrative support is a valuable thing (influence and advocacy) Do not overlook hidden powerhouses in your school and community Find a common and consistent meeting time Have an agenda at every meeting –use your action plan as a standing agenda (or use the template agenda in the SWC toolkit!)
Take Home Message School Wellness Councils are the foundation for making sustainable changes in the health and wellness of your school. School Wellness Council members should be diverse and representative of the student population. –Not just health and PE teachers –get others involved too! Regular meeting times, agendas, and meeting summaries will make your Council meetings more effective. Keep Council members energized by engaging every member, acknowledging their contributions to the team, and celebrating successes. Stick to the 6-step process –Regular SWC meetings, Annual inventory and Action plan, Identify resources, Take action, and Celebrate successes.
Resources School Wellness Council Toolkit Promoting Healthy Youth, Schools and Communities: A Guide to Community-School Health Councils USDA Food and Nutrition Services Team Nutrition Local Wellness Policy
Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has. - Margaret Mead
Physical Activity Break!
FastBreak Fitness Breaks Toolkit Create an environment of physical activity Great for winter months and lack of space Requires no equipment Students and staff can participate and benefit Includes: movement (walk, jog, skip) exercise (squats, lunges) stretches Print, Post, and Move!!!
Mataio Swain Alliance for a Healthier Generation Youth Advisory Board Member
Thank you! Amy File WV Relationship Manager