1 Meeting the Needs of All Learners
3 New Standard Assessment
4 WHAT STUDENTS WILL …KNOW, UNDERSTAND and DO New Standard Assessment Revise the paragraph by adding details from the daily schedule that help support the reasons for having a longer school day.
9 NXG CSOs and Assessments What STUDENTS will need to know, understand and do What TEACHERS and PRINCIPALS will need to K-U-D
Practice Profiling Process 10
Curriculum and Instruction Key Anchors and Guiding ?s EmergingDevelopingOperationalizingOptimizing 6. How is professional development being provided to the staff to support a 21 st century learning based system? The school leadership identifies PD needs of staff, including but not limited to: …makes available PD opportuniti- es for all staff that will enable staff to effectively support and teach their population (s). …provides ongoing, differentiated professional development to staff, including follow-up and coaching to support teachers in determining the impact of instruction and the most appropriate revisions. …regularly monitors, evaluates, and provides PD to staff. New methods and practices are learned and incorporated into practice as dictated by learner and family needs, cultural and linguistic differences, and data. Coaching and collaborative training is embedded in practice. 11
12 …The importance of strengthening CORE level instruction in the GE environment
What does high quality CORE instruction look like? How do we get our teachers to DO it?
Evidence-based practices 14
Curriculum and Instruction Key Anchors and Guiding ?s EmergingDevelopingOperationalizingOptimizing 3. How is equitable access for all students ensured? The staff and school leadership evaluate their history of providing equitable access and LRE to all students & families… …identifies and develops ways to improve EA for all… and to ensure a range of instructional supports are available to meet the needs of all students. …uses formative/classroom assessment processes to ensure all students are benefiting from a comprehensive curriculum in all content areas. Family partnering is used to determine and meet learning goals. … regularly ensure all students are benefiting from a rich and balanced curriculum. Family input and partnering is included in planning and implementation. 15
Universal Design for Learning: Creating a Learning Environment that Challenges and Engages All Students 16 How is equitable access for all students ensured?
MODULE INTRO: To meet the needs of all students in the general education classroom to the greatest extent possible, a team of Sycamore Middle School personnel convenes to research and evaluate potential approaches. They discover Universal Design for Learning (UDL), which appears to meet their needs. UDL provides a research- based framework for teachers to incorporate flexible materials, techniques, and strategies for delivering instruction and for students to demonstrate their knowledge in a variety of ways. Developed by researchers at the Center for Applied Special Technology (CAST), this framework stands in contrast with the "one size fits all" instructional approach that has traditionally been used in classrooms, as outlined in the table below. 17
MODULE INTRO: To meet the needs of all students in the general education classroom to the greatest extent possible, a team of Sycamore Middle School personnel convenes to research and evaluate potential approaches. They discover Universal Design for Learning (UDL), which appears to meet their needs. UDL provides a research- based framework for teachers to incorporate flexible materials, techniques, and strategies for delivering instruction and for students to demonstrate their knowledge in a variety of ways. Developed by researchers at the Center for Applied Special Technology (CAST), this framework stands in contrast with the "one size fits all" instructional approach that has traditionally been used in classrooms, as outlined in the table below. 18
A COMPARISON of What students and teachers… UDL Instruction 19 DO and DONT DO: Traditional Instruction vs.
Traditional Instruction Questions to investigate and increase the quality of instruction and make it more accessible? UDL Instruction Teachers typically deliver content in one way. 1.How do we deliver content? 2.What are some other ways we might try? 3.How will we decide when to use different ways? Teachers deliver content in multiple ways. 20 Continues on your handout… BRIDGE
UDL as a Framework for Learning 21 Principle 1 Representation Principle 2 Action and Expression Principle 3 Engagement Presenting information and course content in multiple formats so that all students can access it Allowing students alternatives to express or demonstrate their learning Stimulating students' interests and motivation for learning in a variety of ways
Examples of UDL for Learning 22 Representation Action and Expression Engagement Provide alternatives for accessing information (visual, auditory) Provide or activate background knowledge in multiple ways (pre- teaching, advanced organizers) Provide options for responding (keyboard, voice recording) Provide options for completing assignments using different media (text, speech, film, music) Provide options that increase the relevance and authenticity (use money, culturally significant activities) Provide options that encourage collaboration and communication (peers, tutoring)
24 Sycamore MS Implements their Plan Traditional Goal: The students will read the textbook chapter about ancient Egypt and write in cursive a 500-word report about burial customs. Plan: Collaboratively revise lessons by applying the UDL Principles to meet learning needs of all students in the GE environment.
Analyzing the Goal 25 Traditional Goal: The students will read the textbook chapter about ancient Egypt and write in cursive a 500- word report about burial customs. Clearly stated Observable Measurable and Aligned with grade-level standards + UDL Representation barriers? Action and expressions barriers? Engagement issues?
How often are teachers creating learning goals that limit the means by which their students can achieve the goal? 26 The new UDL goal becomes: The students will learn about and present information about the burial customs of ancient Egypt.
Scaffolding Scaffolding, or the instructional technique in which teachers offer support for students learning new skills by systematically building on their experiences and knowledge until they can apply the new skills independently will only be effective and authentic if it is based on the teachers solid understanding of the complete learning target. 27 …and so we circle back to teachers chewing on the NXG CSOs… NOTICE…
What conclusions did the Sycamore MS teachers make about UDL? UDL is a viable way to: Meet the needs of the widest range of students by reducing the number of barriers to learning Provide challenging, salient, and age-appropriate materials to students with a range of abilities Allow students to learn in accordance with their dominant learning preferences, and Create alternative ways for students to both receive and deliver information 28 How did they get to these conclusions?
What will you… 2. How will you help them identify and invest in ways to improve the instruction they offer to their students? 29 DO and NOT DO? 1. What are your responsibilities for supporting teachers?
Lessons to Learn More of just anything is not enough to get us the outcomes we need. QUALITY COUNTS! We cant expect to narrow performance gaps by widening the distance between struggling students and the GE classroom. 30
31 What I will … DO and NOT DO? 2. I wont promise to have answers to all your questions. 3. I will promise to use your questions to focus our attention and our next steps. 1. I will give you my address –
cso/NG_CSO.cfm cso/NG_CSO.cfm ycle.htm ycle.htm -at-the-core.aspx -at-the-core.aspx 33 Referenced Resources