Parenting Word Game First Day of Class Activity
Postnatal The period following a baby’s birth.
Montessori Substitute care setting where the children are free to roam around to explore to learn.
Swaddling Wrapping a newborn baby tightly in a blanket.
Folic Acid Water Soluble B vitamin found in certain foods and multivitamins. Linked to reducing neural tube defects like Spina Bifada.
Zygote The fertilized human egg after conception.
Sphincter Muscles that help regulate elimination from the bowels.
M M R Measles, Mumps, and Rubella vaccine shot for your child to be protected from those diseases.
Vernix A thick, white, pasty substance covering babies in the uterus that protects them from the constant exposure to amniotic fluid.
F. A. S. Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Group of physical and mental birth defects that is the direct result of drinking alcohol during pregnancy.
Colostrum Is the substance produced and released through the mother’s breast prior to breast milk. It is very high in anitbodies.
Amniocentesis A prenatal test performed by withdrawing a sample of the amniotic fluid from the uterus.