WVDE Online SB-IEP A System for Analyzing and Prioritizing Instruction for Students with Exceptionalities
21 st Century Special Educators: Leading the Change! WVDE SETLA 2009
What does this tool provide? Summative Assessment Results
21 st Century Special Educators: Leading the Change! WVDE SETLA 2009
What does this tool provide? Benchmark/Formative Assessment Results
Reading, writing and math curriculum Specific skills and concepts Sort into known and needs to know categories
21 st Century Special Educators: Leading the Change! WVDE SETLA 2009
21 st Century Special Educators: Leading the Change! WVDE SETLA 2009
Data Based Present Levels Present levels must be written in objective, measurable terms and easy-to-understand non-technical language articulating the gaps between grade level expectations and actual performance. Use the information from the Acuity assessment as you review the mathematics rubrics for your designated grade level/student. Create present levels of academic and functional performance that clearly represent the students academic performance. Space has been provided for documentation of the present level on mathematics rubrics. The rubrics can be found by accessing the Aligning and Individualizing 21 st Century Content, Instruction and Assessment folder. Find the mathematics rubrics for your programmatic level.
Report Out
Depth of Knowledge (DOK) Level 1 Recall Recall of a fact, information, or procedure. Level 2 Skill/Concept Use information or conceptual knowledge, two or more steps, etc. Level 3 Strategic Thinking Requires reasoning, developing plan or a sequence of steps, some complexity, more than one possible answer. Level 4 Extended Thinking Requires an investigation, time to think and process multiple conditions of the problem. 21 st Century Special Educators: Leading the Change! WVDE SETLA 2009
DOKs of CSOs Conten tDOK ObjectiveDescription 1 RLA.O Use reference skills to identify words 2 RLA.O Distinguish a variety of messages conveyed through visual media (e.g., internet, database, , electronic resources, online research). 3 RLA.O Develop a composition that demonstrates an awareness of the intended audience using appropriate language, content and form. 4 RLA.O Create an age appropriate media literacy product that reflects understanding of format, characteristics and purpose.
Identify the DOKs… 1) RLA.O Classify the defining characteristics, build background knowledge and apply reading skills to understand a variety of literary passages and genres by West Virginia, national and international authors: fiction, nonfiction, myths, poems, fantasies, biographies, autobiographies, science fiction, tall tale, supernatural tales 2) M.O Identify a real life problem involving change over time; make a hypothesis as to the outcome; develop, justify, and implement a method to collect, organize, and analyze data; generalize the results to make a conclusion; compare the hypothesis and the results of the investigation; present the project using words,graphs, drawings, models, or tables. 3) RLA.O Compare self to text in making connections between characters or simple events in a literary work with people and events in ones own life and other cultures. 4) M.O.A Define complex numbers, simplify powers of i, perform basic operations with complex numbers, and give answers as complex numbers in simplest form