STATE ROUTE 1 ALAMITOS BAY BRIDGE IMPROVEMENT PROJECT SCOPING MEETING AUGUST 5, :00 p.m.Open House 6:30 p.m.Presentation 7:00 p.m.Public Comment 7:30 p.m.Resume Open House/Q&A
Purpose of Scoping: To identify issues to be addressed in the environmental documents Lead Agencies: CEQA: Caltrans is the state lead agency NEPA: Caltrans is the delegated federal lead agency Written comments: Please submit comments by SEPTEMBER 5, 2015.
Your Role in Scoping 1.) When/Why? - Early in the environmental process to identify issues and content of the environmental documents 2.) Who? - The public + federal, state and local agencies 3.) What? - To identify potential issues of concern, impacts to be analyzed, and the level of detail in the analysis 4.) How? - By providing your verbal and written comments - We encourage you to stay involved, get on our mailing list and check the project website for updates
Project Location Alamitos Bridge ( )
Why is the Project Needed Bridge has seismic deficiencies May fail during earthquake Substructure (columns) is deficient Potential scour issues Erosion of channel banks Project will enhance structural integrity of bridge and allow it to meet current seismic standards Project will enhance public safety and maintain traffic flow on PCH
EXISTING CONDITIONS The existing road and bridge between Loynes Dr. and 2 nd street has: North Bound: two 12-foot lanes a 5-foot bike lane a variable shoulder (3-foot on bridge, variable off bridge) A raised sidewalk South Bound: three 12-foot lanes a 5-foot bike lane a variable shoulder (3-foot on bridge, variable off bridge) a raised sidewalk Median: Varies from 4 to 25 feet (4-foot on bridge, variable off)
EXISTING CONDITIONS Horizontal clearance under the bridge (between bents 11 and 12) : minimum 40 feet Vertical clearance under the bridge (between bents 11 and 12) : minimum 16 feet above mean lower low water (the average of the lowest low tides)
Project Alternatives 1 ) Alternative 1: No Build 2) Alternative 2: Seismic Retrofit (Minimum Build Alternative) 3) Alternative 3: Bridge Replacement Alternative
ALTERNATIVE 1 (No Build) No improvements will be made The bridge will remain seismically deficient
ALTERNATIVE 2 (Seismic Retrofit)
Features: Would bring up to current seismic standards Would add new support columns Would strengthen existing columns Would add new support beams Would strengthen joints between deck slabs Would relocate some utilities Above deck safety improvements Would upgrade guardrails at each end of the bridge Would add new sidewalk on NB side at each end of the bridge
ALTERNATIVE 3 (Bridge Replacement)
Features: Would meet seismic safety standards Considering 4-span and 5-span options (with different architectural treatments) This rendering is just an example of what the new bridge could look like The channel would remain open to boaters during demolition and construction
ALTERNATIVE 3 (Bridge Replacement) Features: Would be 23 feet wider than existing bridge To allow for standard median and shoulders The adjacent roadway would be widened to match Would be higher than existing bridge The adjacent roadway (approx. 750 feet each side) would have to be raised Construction would be done in stages to maintain traffic flow on PCH
Environmental Process & Schedule
Environmental Issues to be Analyzed Biological Resources/Wetlands/Plants/Aquatic Resources Cultural Resources Hazardous Wastes Noise Visual/Aesthetics Geology Utilities Hydrology/Floodplain/Water Quality Land-use/Community/Relocations Section 4(f)
Environmental Document Type CEQA: Initial Study – Anticipated Negative Declaration or Mitigated Negative Declaration NEPA: Environmental Assessment – Anticipated Finding of No Significant Impact
We Want to Hear From You Accepting written comments (via postal mail)and oral comments at this meeting Comment period ends September 5, 2015 Comments will be summarized in the Scoping Summary Report
Mr. Karl Price Provide Written Comments by September 5, 2015 Project Contact Karl Price Senior Environmental Planner Division of Environmental Planning Caltrans District S. Main Street, Mail Stop 16A, Los Angeles, CA Tel:
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