Best Practices in Overall Sustainable Design Cal State University, Long Beach - Liberal Arts 2, 3 and 4 Renovation Presented By:Mark Zakhour,, CASp, LEED BD+C, Assoc. AIA Manager Construction Services California State University, Long Beach Aravind Batra, PE, LC, LEED BD&C P2S Engineering, Inc.
Founded 1949 Over 90 Buildings 3.8M gsf 33,000 Students 63 Academic Centers 322 acres Cal State Long Beach at a glance 2,000 Faculty & 1600 Professional Staff
Project Background Funded by campus operating budget and interest from student fee revenues Approximately 43,000 sq. ft. Originally Built in 1954 – Classrooms and Offices $17.1M – Project Costs $14.5M - Construction Costs Risk Delivery Method Architect: Steinberg Architects Engineer: P2S Engineering, Inc. Cx – Digital Energy
Project Achievements Seismically unsafe and Posed hazard Old inefficient envelope and fenestrations Old heating system with no cooling capabilities Inefficient Systems Lack of Smart Classrooms Seismic Retrofit and Renovation Better learning environment with Smart Classrooms Improved Circulation and Access Improved Systems Energy Efficiency LEED Gold Certification
Project Features Brown Field Redevelopment Site - Mitigation and removal of all hazardous construction materials previously used. Maximized open space - Site is larger than building foot print. Drought tolerant landscape with drip tubing and future reclaimed water. 95% construction waste diversion from landfill. Project used certified wood, 25% of all materials were recycled and from regional sources. CSULB Green House Keeping Plan CSULB Green Pest Control Plan Green Building Tours and Case Studies by students
Project Features Newly configured spaces to meet program requirements Community Hub and serves as a template for future campus designs Improved Circulation and access Creation of smart classrooms Provision of new windows with improved U factor and SHGC. Improved envelope efficiency with wall and roof insulation to reduce loads Use of campus chilled and heating hot water infrastructure Features outside seating areas quipped with power and data ports and Wifi
Project Features Energy Efficient Air Handlers with VAV controls and Economizers Demand Control Ventilation Effective occupancy sensor controls integrated with VAV system High efficiency plumbing fixtures Energy Efficient LED lighting Occupancy controls and daylight controls to harvest daylight savings Pole-mounted LED light fixtures at walkways/sidewalks with photocell and programmable time controls Provision of metering for all utilities to monitor their consumption LEED Gold Certification
Energy Performance Baseline: kBtu/ft 2 - yr Designed: kBtu/ft 2 - yr Compliance margin: 28% Buildings save approximately 150,000kWh and 2000therms annually compared to base building Simulated savings of approximately $9,421/year for electricity and $599/year for gas. Equivalent to saving 52MT of Carbon emissions Onsite renewable energy- 350KW used of onsite PV panels at the campus. Secured $50K in Incentives from Savings by Design Program
Contact info and references Mark.Zakhour CASp, LEED BD+C, Assoc AIA Manager, Construction Services California State University, Long Beach Aravind Batra, PE, LC, LEED BD&C Principal, Sr. Electrical Engineer P2S Engineering Inc.