Guide Words
Guidewords help us find words faster in a dictionary. Guidewords are at the top of a dictionary off set from the other words.
sing skate s i x s i n g l e s i n k s i n g e r s i n k e r s i p s i t s i t t e r
Dictionary Work Choose 10 words from your spelling list. Look them up in the dictionary. Find the guide words for each spelling word you have chosen. Write the spelling word, the dictionary page number, and the guide words on the page where the word is found. Spelling WordPage NumberGuide Word Blue TableBlue Green Tabletrue Red Tableghost Yellow Tablemove Purple Tableschool Orange Tabletwo
1.Pen/pot pin packpine 2. pan/play posepinkpet 3. fir/fox flopfunfoot 4. leg/low likeloadlate 5. shop/soft sleepsmallsame 6. bat/bow betbuildbig
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