To Mrs. Lairsey And Class From: Hannah To Mrs. Lairsey And Class From: Hannah
Directions Directions When I call on you pick the correct spelling.When I call on you pick the correct spelling.
First Word First Word What is the correct spelling?What is the correct spelling? ParailParail ParallelParallel paireelepaireele
Second word Second word What is the correct spelling?What is the correct spelling? AdressesAdresses AddressesAddresses AdrresesAdrreses
Third Word Third Word What is the correct spelling?What is the correct spelling? CleerkCleerk ClerckClerck clerkclerk
Fourth Word Fourth Word What is the correct spelling?What is the correct spelling? GrowneGrowne GrownGrown GornwGornw
Fifth word Fifth word What is the correct spelling?What is the correct spelling? HonorHonor HuonurHuonur honurhonur
Sixth word What is the correct spelling?What is the correct spelling? PoorPoor PourPour puorpuor
Seventh Word Seventh Word What is the correct spelling?What is the correct spelling? RourteRourte RouteRoute RuoteRuote
Eighth Word Eighth Word What is the correct Spelling?What is the correct Spelling? ContractoinContractoin ContrctionContrction ContractionContraction
Ninth Word Ninth Word What is the correct spelling?What is the correct spelling? WellWell Well’Well’ We’llWe’ll
Tenth Word Tenth Word What is the correct spelling?What is the correct spelling? Shouldn’tShouldn’t ShoudentShoudent sholdentesholdente
Eleventh Word Eleventh Word What is the correct spelling?What is the correct spelling? Isent’Isent’ Isn’tIsn’t Isesn’tIsesn’t
Twelfth Word Twelfth Word What is the correct spelling?What is the correct spelling? YouleYoule Yo’llYo’ll You’llYou’ll
Thirteenth Word Thirteenth Word What is the correct spelling?What is the correct spelling? I’llI’ll lI’’lI’’
Fourteenth Word Fourteenth Word What is the correct spelling?What is the correct spelling? RecycleRecycle RecylRecyl RecyleRecyle
Fifteenth Word Fifteenth Word What is the correct spelling?What is the correct spelling? ShopeShope ShopShop ShoppeShoppe
Sixteenth Word Sixteenth Word What is the correct spelling?What is the correct spelling? SurpriseSurprise SuppriseSupprise SuprisseSuprisse
Seventeenth Seventeenth What is the correct spelling?What is the correct spelling? RemovRemov RemoveRemove RemmoveRemmove
Eighteenth Word Eighteenth Word What is the correct spelling?What is the correct spelling? Pacific OcenPacific Ocen Pacific OcceanPacific Occean Pacific OceanPacific Ocean
Nineteenth Word Nineteenth Word What is the correct spelling?What is the correct spelling? AsiaAsia AciaAcia AsiaaAsiaa
20 th Word 20 th Word What is the correct spelling?What is the correct spelling? Sea of JapanSea of Japan See of JapanSee of Japan Sea of japanSea of japan