2 ND GRADE Curriculum Stay Connected…
Jill Courtneyext: 6852 Kathi Dishong ext: 6859 Sara Mayes ext: 6891 Kayla Randolph ext: 6862 Green Elementary If you need to reach us, please either or call. Our conference period is from 9:00-9:45. We will get back to you within 24 hours during the week and Monday morning, if you contact us on the weekend.
Comprehensive Literacy Our goal is to instill the love of reading in each student. Daily 5/Stations Reading across the curriculum To/With/By Reading TO the students (Daily Read Alouds) Reading WITH the students (Guided Reading, Shared Reading, Poetry, One-On-One Reading) Reading BY the students READ to your child for minutes every night!
Literacy-Daily 5/Stations Read to Self -Work on Stamina Listen to Reading -students listen to a story to work on fluency, accuracy and inflection Read to Someone -helps with comprehension by asking questions during reading Word Work -students work with sight words, word chunks, spelling patterns and strategies Work on Writing -students work on different elements of writing
Reading at an “ APPROPRIATE ” level : When readers move to levels too far above their current grade level, the content often becomes developmentally inappropriate. Just right books should be based on a student’s fluency and comprehension level. They need to understand what they are reading, if not, they are simply word calling. We encourage readers to read a variety of books including: too easy (builds fluency), just right (on target), and challenging (stretch what you know).
What about Fluency? Fluency and comprehension work together Very slow readers with good comprehension need practice in speed and phrasing before moving to higher levels Developmentally appropriate expression improves through the grade levels
Writing Students work on different aspects of their writing such as: o Prewriting ideas o Personal Narratives- writing about small moments o Understanding the writing process- drafting, revising, editing, and publishing o Writing about Reading- o Respond to what they are reading o Making connections while reading o Non-Fiction Writing o Poetry o Using Authors as Mentors
Spelling/Word Work/Chunks A specific Spelling Strategy will come home each Monday. Please work on this strategy at home, and we will be working on it here at school. “Spell Check” on Fridays-Students will show that they can use the learned strategy by writing down words that the teacher dictates.
Math Numerical fluency & understanding of numbers (place value to 1200, compare & order numbers to 1200) P roblem solving including word problems Addition & subtraction facts & fluency to 20 using strategies Adding & subtracting 2&3 digit numbers 2D/3D Figures, Fractions, Measurement – time, money, length, and area
Science Science Journals are used to record data and information. Science Experiments – hands on experiments using the scientific process. Students will become meteorologists, astronomers, physicists, zoologists, botanists, geologists, and engineers!
We’re looking forward to a wonderful, fun-filled year of learning and getting to know your child.