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EXPERIENTIAL LEARNING Office of Career and Technical Innovations WVDE
Why? Too many (students) cans see a clear, transparent connection between their program of study and tangible opportunities in the labor market. - Pathways to Prosperity Project Harvard Graduate School of Education, February 2011
WEBINAR OBJECTIVES Discuss components of Experiential Learning Guide. Discuss health and safety issues that impact student experiences. Review the procedure for maintaining student records on WVEIS on the Web. Network and share Best Practices for quality experiential learning.
A Walk Through the Guide Table of Contents and navigation Work-Based Learning Service-Based Learning Community-Based Learning Research-Based Learning Websites; Resources; Appendices
Health and Safety Ensure a safe environment Obtain approval – BOE and parents Verify health insurance coverage Complete Certificates of Liability Insurance WV Board of Risk and Insurance Management Tonia Pugh
Quality Work-Based Learning Must occur at the work site Includes a training agreement and plan Gives opportunity to learn all aspects of an industry Provides student a workplace mentor/supervisor for ongoing support
Quality Work-Based Learning Indicators 2010 HSTW Assessment Students reported: they observed workers performing job had someone to teach them how to do the work they received credit for work experience employers encouraged development of good work habits employers encouraged them in academic studies employers encouraged development of customer relations skills employers encouraged development of teamwork skills employers showed them how to use communication skills in job-related activities employers showed them how to use mathematics in job- related activities
Quality Work-Based Learning 2010 HSTW Assessment
Policy and Procedure Experiential Learning Policy should include: – County goals for EL – Number of hours required – Effective date/revision date Experiential Learning Procedures should include: – EL categories available – Responsibilities of all parties (i.e., county; school) – How credit will be awarded (i.e., graduation credit vs. checked off) – How often policy will be reviewed
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Maintain Student Records Work-Based Community- Based Service-BasedResearch-Based WOW
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