Community Enquiry and Facility Surveys
Overview Provides inputs on the status of health services – as per NHM service guarantees Data is collected through individual and group interviews at the community and facility either on a quarterly/ bi-annual basis Data is collated to develop village, PHC and block report cards Services are ranked into three categories- good, average and poor Report cards are shared and validated along with service providers- to identify gap areas and find local solutions
What is monitored Demand Coverage Access Quality Behaviour and presence of health personnel Possible denial of care and negligence
Issues monitored Maternal and Child Health, Disease Surveillance Curative services Untied fund ASHA Functioning Adverse outcomes Methods Group meetings Interview with marginalized groups Interview with ASHAs Ranking Good (>75%) Average (74-50%) Poor (< 50%) Village Health Report Card
Village Health Report Card Theme Village-1 Village-2 Village-3 Maternal Health Janani Sishu Swasthya Surksha Yojana (JSSK) Child Health Disease Surveillance Curative Services United funds Quality of Care Functioning of ASHA Adverse outcomes Equity index
Maternal Health- Key indicators 1.Early registration of pregnancy 2.Ante natal care- height and weight examination, blood pressure, abdominal check up, blood and urine tests, IFA tablets etc 3.Identification of high risk pregnancies and referral services 4.Provision of supplementary nutrition through the Anganwadi Center 5.Counseling- diet, rest, family planning, danger signs, five cleans etc 6.JSSK services
Compiled Village Health Report Card (Maharashtra) Round 1Round 2
Issues monitored Availability and Quality of services Equipment, Supplies, Personnel Unofficial charges RKS Functioning Methods Facility Observation Exit Interviews Discussions with providers Ranking Good (>75%) Average (74-50%) Poor (<50%) Facility Report Card
Facility Score Card dz la eqn~nkx.kukfooj.k 5fpfdRlfd; lsok;sa 32 ls vf/kd 2 2 ls de 6fuZca/k jk’kh32 ls vf/kd 2 2 ls de 7lsokvksa dh xq.koRrk 32 ls vf/kd 2 2 ls de 8foifjr ifj.kkedqy vad Theme Facility-1 Facility-2 Facility-3 Infrastructure and Personnel Equipment and Supplies Service Availability Unofficial charges Quality of Care Functioning of Rogi Kalyan Samiti (RKS)
Preparation and sharing of report cards VHNSC members with support from NGO facilitators collect data regarding health services at village, PHC and CHC level. Report cards are prepared after analyzing the data Displayed at village, PHC and CHC for discussions with service providers Cumulative report cards are shared at the Jan Samwaad
Members of Community filling the report card
Community level sharing of health report cards
Review of community report cards
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