Homework Policy What is Star Homework? Star homework allows you and your child to choose how much homework they will do nightly. Your child can choose to do two stars or up to four stars! Our class will be attempting to earn enough stars for a reward on Friday so it is important your child does nightly homework that helps our class accomplish their goal. Math Practice Page and Xtra Math Your student will be bringing home practice sheets from our Go Math Student Practice book. These practice sheets are review of what we learned in class. These pages are mandatory. Your child may choose to do Xtra Math online to earn another star, and practice fact fluency. Read for 20 Minutes Students must read each night. Every other week your child will complete a reading response. This is a mandatory assignment. Writing Prompt Every other week students will follow the writing process to complete a paragraph. They will prewrite, draft, revise/edit, and publish. This is a mandatory assignment. Monday Assigned Math Page Spelling Word Work activity* Reading response/Writing prompt Current Events: Find Article Tuesday Assigned Math Page Spelling Word Work activity* Reading response/Writing prompt Current Events: Review Wednesday Assigned Math Page Spelling Word Work activity* Reading response/Writing prompt Xtra Math Thursday Assigned Math Page Spelling Practice Test Reading response/Writing prompt Xtra Math Circle the by each completed activity. Keep in your binder all week. Parents : don’t forget to sign the bottom at the end of the week! * See back of bookmark for word work activities.
Word Work About Our Word Work Your child will be bringing home a collection of spelling words weekly that have been introduced in class. Each night of the week your child may to do a different activity to ensure that the words and the spelling principles they represent are mastered. This can earn them a star for star homework! These activities have been modeled and practiced in school, so your child can teach you how to do them. However, there are explanations to help you as well. It is important that the students do have your help in order for them to complete some of the word work activities correctly. Please help them if needed. Thank you for your support. Together we can make valuable progress! Basic Word Sort: Sort words into the same categories you did at school. You should read aloud the words during this activity and be able to explain why the words are sorted in a particular way. Speed Sort: Just like sort above but sorts words as fast as they can Blind Sort: Lay down a word from each category as a header then have someone else read the rest of the words aloud. You must tell you where the word goes without seeing it. Word Hunt: Look for words in book that you have read. Try to find 2 to 3 words in each category Writing Sort: Have an adult call out words in random order and you should write them in categories. Adult should call out words you misspell until you get them correct Sentences: Choose 8 words to write in complete sentences Cross out the activity after you have completed it. You do not need to turn it in. Just get a signature!