The Exacta ® Plus Process Control System
Exacta ® Plus Designed to increase the efficiency of jobs that require multiple tasks, such as audits and sequential manufacturing processes.
Exacta ® Plus Architecture The system architecture utilizes a powerful software program and the Exacta ® Plus digital tools. The program can run on a network or as a stand alone system.
Exacta ® Plus Process Glossary Each tool can store one “Job” at a time. A “Job” is a specific group of 1 to 50 “Tasks.” A “Task” is a set of up to 50 common “Records” dedicated to a particular joint or assembly. A ”Record”consists of parameters for a single fastener.
Exacta ® Plus A job is selected and assigned to an operator and a tool. A work order/job card is printed that describes each task and the tools required to accomplish the job. The job is downloaded to the tool.
Exacta ® Plus Using the information from the job card the operator enters a task and record location via the 4 button keypad on the wrench.
Exacta ® Plus Once the task is selected the display shows the minimum torque value to be achieved. Once the torque operation is completed the value is recorded, automatically clears and the next record is cued.
Exacta ® Plus Once all of the records in the task are completed it is closed and automatically opens the next task. As before the operator selects the record and repeats the process.
Exacta ® Plus When all the tasks for the job are completed the operator uploads the data to the network or returns the wrench to the crib.
Exacta ® Plus Job Report
Exacta ® Plus Data Detail Report
Exacta ® Plus Software Requirements and Export Capability The software requires and is compatible with Windows 2000 SP3, XP and Windows server The database is capable of being exported to other programs in ASCII comma delimited or user defined delimited fields.
Sturtevant Richmont Global Reach. Local Support. Exacta ® Plus Overview October 2005
Glossary Review A “Record” is an individual fastener on an assembly. A “Task” is a group of from 1 to 50 fasteners sharing the same specifications on a single assembly. A “Job” is a group of from 1 to 50 Tasks that are treated as a single group for use on a tool. A “template” is a description or definition.
Seven Step Simplicity Install the software. Tell the software where the tool will be connected to the pc. Tell the software what tools you have. Tell the software who your people are. Tell the software what the characteristics of each joint are. Tell the software which joints, tools, and people go together into a job. Assign the job to an individual person and single tool.
Step 1 - Install Insert the cd into the pc. –An Install Shield Wizard activates and guides you through each step. –One button – “Install” - handles 90% of the work and makes the process easy. –Just click on the obvious choices. Eject & store the cd.
Start the Software For the first use: –Username = admin –ID Number = admin –Password = admin Type them in and click the Login button.
Step 2 - Communication Communication merely means telling the software what port will be used to connect to the tool(s). COM 1, COM 2, and COM 3 are the most common choices. The COM port number that correlates to the serial port is the one to use.
Step 2A Everything ahead of downloading a job to the tool is an admin function. Click on the “Administration” button to proceed.
Step 2B The Administration screen provides selection of the admin function to be worked on, and will be used throughout. Click on the “Hardware” button to set up tool communication.
Step 2C Select the route to the tools by using the “Serial Port” pulldown. –The list of available ports will open up. –Click on the port to be used. Leave the rest. Click on the “OK” button to close.
Step 3 – Tool Population The software needs basic information about the tools that are available, such as serial numbers and capacities. In this step we tell the software what tools are available for use. Connect the serial cable to the pc for convenience in this step.
Step 3A Adding tools is an admin function that starts from the admin screen. Click on the “Tools” button to access this function.
Step 3B The “Tool List” screen is a list of the tools in the system, and an access point for changing them. Too add a tool, click on the “New” button.
Step 3C Two options: –Type in all of the info for the tool. –Connect the tool and use the “Request Tool Information” button, then type in only the balance. When done, click the “OK” button.
Step 3D The “Tool List” screen will reappear with the new tool added to the list. More tools can be added the same way, but for now just close the screen to proceed.
Step 4 - People This step tells the software what people will use it and how we allow each one to use it. –“Rights” are capabilities. –Rights can be assigned in a group or individually. –There are four predetermined groups of rights. Typically some users will only be able to do jobs with the tools and others will be able to perform admin functions.
Step 4A Adding and managing users is an admin function that starts at the “Administration” screen. Click on the “Users” button.
Step 4B The User List screen shows the users in the system and the characteristics for each. To add a user, click the “New” button.
Step 4C Type in the information for the user. Click the “Help” button for a complete explanation of “Rights” and “Security Levels”. Select the Security Level (pulldown) and any individual Rights (check boxes) to be assigned to this person. Click the “OK’ button to add the person to the list.
Step 4D The new person just added will show up on the list. More people can now be added, but for now click the “Close” button to proceed.
Step 5 – Task (Joint) Templates In Exacta Plus, each joint is a “Task” defined in a template. Just as the software needs to know what tools are available and what people will be performing what work, it needs specifics on each task to be performed. Task templates are the building blocks that will be used to create jobs; tasks are downloaded to, and used by, the tools.
Step 5A Creating and managing tasks is an administrative function. Click on the “Task Templates” button.
Step 5B The Task Template List shows all existing templates, and is the means for managing them. To add a new task template, click on the “New” button.
Step 5C Fill in the number of records (fasteners), warning torque, Low and High torque specification numbers. If all nut torques must be recorded, check “Required”. Select mode of operation and whether tool light will be used. Add socket size, task description (name) and location. Click the “OK” button.
Step 5D The new task template will show up on the task template list. More tasks could be added (or deleted, or edited) from this window, but for now simply click the “Close” button.
Step 6 – Jobs or Routes The people, tools, and joints (task templates) have been defined. What remains is to pull them together into “Jobs” (another template). A Task can be used in multiple jobs. A Job template can be stored and used repeatedly; to differentiate the data it will have a different name each time it is used.
Step 6A Designing and managing Job templates is an administrative function. Click on the “Job Templates” button
Step 6B The Job Template List shows all the jobs currently in the software. To create a new job template, click the “New” button.
Step 6C Select the tool capacity to be used on this job; tasks outside that capacity will be blocked from use. Highlight the first task to be performed and use the green left arrow to add it to the job. Repeat for each task to be part of the job. When finished adding tasks, click the “OK” button.
Step 6D The new job template will show up on the list. From this screen more job templates can be added (or edited or removed) but for now click the “Close” button.
Step 7 – Job Creation The Job is actually created when the job template is: –Assigned to a specific tool, –Assigned to a specific individual, –Assigned a unique work order number. A customer ID and unit number are also available to assist in identification. When done, a Job Card (specific instructions) for the job can be printed.
Step 7A Job creation is an administrative function. Click on the “Jobs” button.
Step 7B The Job List will show all current jobs; those awaiting download and those already in process. To add a new job, click the “New” button.
Step 7C Use the “Filter Tools By Capacity” and/or the “Tool Serial Number “ functions to select the unique tool to be used. Assign a unique Work Order Number. Assign a user (Worker) to the job. Add a Customer ID and Unit Number. Select the Job Template. Click the “OK” button.
7D The new job will show up on the job list. More jobs can be added (or deleted or edited) from this screen, but for now click the “Close” button.
Ready for Use The software now has its’ first job ready to be downloaded to a tool. The steps to add tools, users, task and job templates, and actual jobs are the same as those shown here. The software manual and help functions have extensive context-sensitive information that helps prompt you through any task in the software. It also has instructions for using advanced functions (filters, etc.) and exporting data for use elsewhere.
Administration - Users Management chooses the level of control it wants over the process of creating, selecting and assigning tasks and jobs.
Administration – Users 2 There are 4 levels of security and within each level, there are 5 assignable rights.
Administration – User Security This excerpt from the screen specific “help” guide in the Exacta Plus software details the Security Levels and Assignable Rights.
Software Architecture
Administration Tools Hardware Configuration
Hardware Configuration Help Screen
Software Architecture
Administration - Tools Tracking the tools calibration cycle is done at the push of a button. Certification can be date based or use based reducing the cost of unnecessary calibration for tools that are infrequently used.
Administration Tool Backlight The tri-colored LCD backlit display is an important feature of the Exacta Plus. The lights can be enabled when in PEAK mode to assist an assembler or disabled to avoid influencing an auditor. When enabled for residual mode the value will appear with a green backlight “OK” or Red for “Bad”.
Software Architecture
Administration – Task Template Audit routes can be created from the Task template data base. When creating a task certain attributes pertaining to the task can be selected. Certain critical joints (tasks) will be highlighted on the job card indicating that all records for that particular task are required The selection of Peak or residual mode for hard joints can be selected. The tri-colored LCD backlight can be enabled or disabled
Software Architecture
Administration - Job Template 1. To create a job template first select a tools capacity 2. Tasks outside the tools range will be highlighted in red 3. Create a name for the Job Template 1 2
Job Creation To select tasks for the job simply highlight (in blue) the Task and click on the arrow. Use the arrows or “click and drag” to rearrange the sequence of tasks within the Job.
Administration Job Template List
Software Architecture
Administration – Job Card The job card is printed out with option of leaving the validate number empty. If a roving auditor finds a defect this field can be used to record the serial number of the defective product. This field can be edited when uploading the completed job.
Manufacturing Applications Utilizing Exacta ® Plus Auditing Power Tool Validation Repair and Maintenance Non-Automated Sequential Manufacturing Processes