WVAGT Fall Conference October 16-17, 2009 On-line at


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Presentation transcript:

WVAGT Fall Conference October 16-17, 2009 On-line at

Overview Mandates Funding Number/ Percentage Policies Policy 2419 Comment Period RTI/AIM Referrals Teacher Preparation Certification Teacher Self- Assessment Results

WV Code Establishment of special education in WV to include disabilities, giftedness 1-8, and exceptional gifted grades WV Code 18-2E-3b Establishment of Four-Year Plan designating honor/advanced placement courses in grades Policy 2510 The Four-Year Plan replaces the ISTP and includes the honors, AP, or IB classes… for the student in grades 9-12.

State nd Mo. Head- count State $ for Prof. Educators Total281,884$858.9 million Public Funding for school districts now based on Head-Count – 2 nd Mo. Count. The funding is at the level when it was weighted with special education count.

Projected OOS Costs for special education students placed by DHHR for non-educational reasons. Calculated per pupil per county. Four counties - $0. $ 6,036, State Special Education $ 3,396, Out of State Costs $ 3,855, State Special Education Distributed

If eligible and if taken, used to improve student achievement and/or improve the equitable distribution of effective teachers and technology. $ 66,240, Regular IDEA School- Age Allocation $ 75,951, IDEA ARRA School-Age Allocation $ 37,975, One-half ARRA Allocation – 50% Reduction in MOE by Local District

2 nd Month EGGF% of Total Enrollment %

Students Previously Identified As Gifted In Grades 9-12 Taking An AP Course ( ) 1800

On Comment – October 13 th through November 12 th.

Special Considerations If the students general intellectual ability score is unduly affected by performance in one or more composite scores, the evaluator may use, for purposes of eligibility, an alternate general ability index or an individual composite measure as permitted in the test manual or other technical reports.

Four-Year Plan If the student is not eligible as exceptional gifted, the IEP Team must write a four-year plan that appropriately addresses the students educational needs. The four-year education plan replaces the Individualized Student Transition Plan (ISTP) and, includes honors, AP, IB classes that must be provided for the student in grades 9-12.

Section 3. Referrals Sources Referral sources may include developmental screening, student assistance teams, …, parents, private/religious schools and/or any interested person or agency. The procedural safeguards are afforded when the parent, adult student, or the district makes a referral for a special education evaluation.

Section 3. Referrals Sources A. Referral Sources A parent or any interested person or agency may refer a student who is suspected of needing special education or related services. Referrals received from an outside source are forwarded to the SAT at the students school for consideration. The district must receive and process these referrals in accordance with the SAT process described in 3.B. for school-aged students. …for homeschooled students, the referral is processed by the special education director or designee.

Section 3. Referrals Sources The SAT has the following options: b. Request an initial evaluation, in cases where warranted, for example, sensory impairment or other significant disability requiring immediate attention or when presented evidence or documentation of previous interventions sufficient to make a decision; or c. When a written request for an initial evaluation has been initiated by the parent, determine whether the evaluation will be conducted, and provide prior written notice of the decision and a copy of the procedural safeguards to the parent.

In the form of a comment.

General Education: Full- Time (less than 21% Special Education) General Education: Part- Time (at least 21% to 40% Special Education) Special Education: Special Class (at least 60% Special Education) Pull-out/resource room/center Special class usually in math and reading/language arts Consultation/ Collaboration Co-teaching

NASDSE, 2005

Meeting the Needs of All Learners through Tiered Instruction

Levels of Support Individual StudentsClassroom UnitProfessional Development Advanced Tier Students consistently exceed the targets and can handle advance materials; need challenge, extension and enrichment Assessment: Assessment every 6-8 weeks Materials: Standard plus reading 25 books per year; SREB recommends 100 pages of technical text to receive credit for one book Students in the classroom are exceeding the benchmarks as demonstrated through assessment; teachers are models and resources for others; AP and Pre- AP trained teachers Time: Policy 2510 RLA requirement Advanced Placement training and material; Pre-AP instructional strategies and materials; Differentiated Instruction training; Training on adopted instructional materials; Instructional guides and/or standards- based unit plans; Assessments for and of learning AIM For Literacy (Adolescent Instruction Model)

Policy 5202 – Certification be granted to individuals who hold a professional teaching certificate in a general education field and who have successfully completed any program in gifted education.

The Gifted Education endorsement shall be issued for the 1-12 grade levels. Individuals who previously were issued a Gifted Education endorsement for only those grade levels that appeared on their general education or career/technical education certificates may request the 1-12 grade level endorsement by submitting the appropriate application to the WVDE. (Form 42)

Professional Development Plan Self-Assessment Information - Assessment Develop Professional Learning Communities Screening Tool to Generate Referrals General