Using Acuity to Guide Instruction Sandra Foster Office of Assessment and Accountability Leatha Williams Office of School Improvement
Acuity an Instructional Tool When our students leave school, we want them to be college and career ready. This requires mastery of both content and skills.
CCSS Alignment West Virginia Custom Items Alignment to both CCSS and NxGen CSOs Crosswalks developed by Office of Instruction and WV teachers Learning targets may move up or down grade levels Items will be checked for grade level appropriateness Acuity Items Shelf items have been aligned with the CCSS
CCSS Rollout Acuity office intends to help students and teachers with the transition. Student mastery will continue to be assessed using WESTEST 2. (last administration in spring 2014) NxGen Interim Assessments Math Grades 4 and 5 – mini-assessments by cluster Math I – assessments by units RLA Greater complexity of changes due to passages Probably will create mini-assessments by cluster
Using Acuity to Target Skills/Objectives Teacher-Created or Common Assessments Benchmark Assessments Instructional Probes Data Reports on Assessments Instructional Resources
84 29 How can we address this?
532 items available for RLA Students will interpret and extend the ideas in literary and informational texts to summarize, determine story elements, skim and scan, determine cause and effect, compare and contrast, visualize, paraphrase, infer, sequence, determine fact and opinion, draw conclusions, analyze characterize and provide main idea
Common Core Language RI.4.1 Refer to details and examples in a text when explaining what the text says explicitly and when drawing inferences from the text.
WVDE State Authored Benchmark Assessments WVDE Benchmarks WV CSOs form the basis of the assessments Aligned to 21 st century CSOs in content and DOK Similar in style and blueprint to WESTEST 2
Using Acuity Data to Improve Student Performance There is a correlation between STUDENT PERFORMANCE on Benchmark 3 and WESTEST 2. Data analysis: Analyze benchmark data to identify areas of individual student weakness on specific learning targets Differentiate instruction – Assign Instructional Resources at the appropriate developmental level as a re-teach tool for students – Other instructional resources
WVDE Benchmark 1 for WESTEST 2 Select Date Range: Jan 4, 2011 check
Instructional Probes Short pre-made assessments based on spiraling CSOs CSO specific; based on deconstruction of CSO skills Available Probes Math grades 3-8 & Algebra I RLA grades 3-8 Utilized by teachers & interventionists
Instructional Probe Structure Instructional Probe for Math (Skill: Addition) Probe Contents: 3 questions from MA questions from MA questions from MA Probes for each objective/skill (Form A, B, C) Example: WVDE M Instructional Probe – Addition, Form A WVDE M Instructional Probe – Addition, Form B WVDE M Instructional Probe – Addition, Form C
WVDE M Select Date Range: Jan 4, 2011 M (for math) RLA (for reading/language arts)
4 th Grade Math 57 Instructional Probes
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Reports in Acuity for Assessments Group Reports: Summary Report Classroom Matrix Report Roster Report Item Analysis Report View Distractor Analysis Individual Student Reports: Student Summary Report Student Item Analysis Report View Distractor Analysis
Item Analysis Report
Using Acuity Instructional Resources Mini-lessons which include three sections: Instruction Guided practice Mini-quiz Screens that introduce and teach a given skill Guided Practice Mini-summative assessment to evaluate progress
3 rd and 4 th Grade Math IRs 94
5 th and 6 th Grade Math IRs 92
3 rd and 4 th Grade RLA IRs 56
5 th and 6 th Grade RLA IRs 42
Student Name
Assigning Instructional Resources from Reports