Joseph Perl SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory Scientific Computing Workshop 20 June 2011 Work supported in part by the U.S. Department of Energy under contract number DE-AC02-76SF00515 and by the U.S National Institutes of Health under contract number 1R01CA Medical Physics Applications of the Geant4 Simulation Toolkit
220 June 2011 Geant4 in Medical Physics J. Perl The Therapeutic Ratio Podgorsak et al, Radiation Oncology Physics Handbook, IAEA 2005
320 June 2011 Geant4 in Medical Physics J. Perl Bragg peak proton carbon X -ray -ray neutron Relative Dose (%) Depth - Human Body (cm) 15 The Bragg Peak
420 June 2011 Geant4 in Medical Physics J. Perl Distal Edge and Penumbra Bussiere and Adams, 2003
520 June 2011 Geant4 in Medical Physics J. Perl Towards More Conformal Treatment Bussiere and Adams, 2003
620 June 2011 Geant4 in Medical Physics J. Perl Pediatrics
720 June 2011 Geant4 in Medical Physics J. Perl E. Poon et al - McGill University Monte Carlo Simulation of the Passage of Particles through Matter
820 June 2011 Geant4 in Medical Physics J. Perl Why do Some Medical Physicists Choose Geant4? There are many successful Monte Carlo codes in Medical Physics: EGSnrc (Electron Gamma Shower) –also came from HEP (the EGS project at SLAC, Ralph Nelson and Richard Ford, 1978) XVMC (Voxel Monte Carlo) VMC++ MCNP (Monte Carlo N-Particle Transport Code) PENELOPE FLUKA 8
920 June 2011 Geant4 in Medical Physics J. Perl Geant4 is: An All Particle code Able to handle Complex Geometry Able to handle Motion Able to handle Fields With a Modern Programming Language Open and Free
1020 June 2011 Geant4 in Medical Physics J. Perl Monte Carlo Modeling and Simulation of a Passive Treatment Proton Beam Delivery System using a Modulation Wheel Jungwook Shin, Dongwook Kim, Young Kyung Lim, Sunghwan Ahn, Dongho Shin, Myong geun Yoon, Sung-Yong Park and Se Byeong Lee (Proton Therapy Center, National Cancer Center)Jungwon Kwak (Asan Medical Center) Dongchul Son (School of Physics and Energy Sciences, Kyungpook National University) Treatment Head Simulation
11 20 June 2011 Geant4 in Medical Physics J. Perl 10 Gy 20 Gy 30 Gy 35 Gy 40 Gy 42 Gy 44 Gy 46 Gy 48 Gy 4 Gy 2 Gy 3 Gy 1 Gy MC:Dose-to-water MC:Dose-to-tissue Analytical Differences Harald Paganetti, Harvard / MGH Patient Simulation
12 20 June 2011 Geant4 in Medical Physics J. Perl Lateral Motion of Lung Tumor 4D Patient 12
13 20 June 2011 Geant4 in Medical Physics J. Perl © Eike Rietzel 4D Patient 13 Breathing Patient
1420 June 2011 Geant4 in Medical Physics J. Perl Tool for Particle Simulation 14 To use Monte Carlo transport for particle therapy today, one must be both an expert in Monte Carlo and an expert in medical physics. With TOPAS, it will be sufficient to be an expert in medical physics. SLAC - Joseph Perl UCSF - Bruce Faddegon, Jungwook Shin MGH - Harald Paganetti, Jan Schümann Work supported by the U.S National Institutes of Health under contract number 1R01CA
1520 June 2011 Geant4 in Medical Physics J. Perl PTCOG50 Philadelphia, AAPM2011 Vancouver Tool for Particle Simulation
1620 June 2011 Geant4 in Medical Physics J. Perl Geant4 North American Medical Users Organization - G4NAMU Launched in 2005 to provide a meeting place for the rapidly growing Geant4 medical user community of North America Bring this community together to share issues and advice, to develop regional collaboration and to communicate as a group to the Geant4 developers. Bring this community together to share issues and advice, to develop regional collaboration and to communicate as a group to the Geant4 developers. Current membership includes 157 members from 79 institutions throughout North America (a few beyond) Current membership includes 157 members from 79 institutions throughout North America (a few beyond)
1720 June 2011 Geant4 in Medical Physics J. Perl Source: Irene Buvat, INSERM/CHU Medical Imaging Rapid advances in technology –Higher resolution –Higher speed –Lower dose –Better ability to differentiate tissue types Dual Energy CT, etc. –On board imaging for setup, motion tracking, dose validation x-ray Linac/MRI Proton Computed Tomography Gamma Camera etc. Monte Carlo is used extensively to evaluate new designs and to interpret results
1820 June 2011 Geant4 in Medical Physics J. Perl X-ray Low Dose Rate (LDR) Brachytherapy High Dose Rate (HDR) Brachytherapy Nuclear Medicine –and combinations such as external beam with gold nanoparticle Heavy Ion Therapy –Carbon ions Other Radiation Modalities
19 59 Carrier et al, IJROBP (68), 2007 pp Prostate brachytherapy Jean-François Carrier, CHUM
2020 June 2011 Geant4 in Medical Physics J. Perl Makoto Asai: Geant4 collaboration spokesperson Coordinator of Geant4 run, event and detector working groups Expert in Geant4 kernel, tracking and geometry Mike Kelsey: Expert in Geant4 hadronic interactions and variance reduction techniques Tatsumi Koi: Expert in Geant4 hadronic interactions, neutrons and ions Expert in spacecraft radiation effects Joseph Perl: Coordinator of Geant4 visualization working group Coordinator of Geant4 North American Medical Users Organization Dennis Wright: Coordinator of Geant4 hadronics working group SLAC Geant4 Group