MiniBoone Detector: Digitization at Feed Through Student: John Odeghe ; SC State, Fermi Lab Intern Supervisor: JinYuan Wu; Fermi Lab 1
Outline Mini Boone Detector The need for changing digitization design Digitization at Feed through The TDC FPGA Design Performance Tests and Results Conclusions 2
General Description 3 Demonstrate photon – electron identification Develop cold electronics Implementation of cold electronics in Gaseous Argon (GAr) Purity: Test of GAr purge in large, fully instrumented vessel Refine sensitivity estimates for next generation detectors Test ability to run on surface Develop tools for analysis Develop cost scaling model for larger detectors MicroBooNE LAr TPC Development Goals MicroBooNE detector: 150 tons total Liquid Argon 89 tons active volume TPC: ~2.5 x 2.3 x 10.4m long Ionization electrons drift to beam right 30 PMTs peek through the wire chambers on beam right Will use BNB and NuMI beams at FNAL for physics program
LArTPC around US 4
General Description: LArTPCs 5 Passing charged particles ionize Argon Electric fields drift electrons meter to wire chamber planes Induction/Collection planes image charge, record dE/dx
Readout channel information flow Short Falls of current Design Poor Noise Handing Limited cable Run Source: MicroBooNE Conceptual Design Report, Feb
Digitization at Feed Through The goal is to digitize the analog signals before they are contaminated by noise. However, digitization processes create noise that may contaminate signals. Therefore, it is a natural to minimize digital activities in the digitization processes. Q: How many bit transitions are considered to be minimal? A: 1 bit transition/data sample. 7
Single Slope TDC AMP & Shaper AMP & Shaper AMP & Shaper AMP & Shaper ADC FPGA AMP & Shaper AMP & Shaper AMP & Shaper AMP & Shaper FPGA TDC R1R1 R1 C R2 V REF T1T1 V1V1 T2T2 V2V2 T3T3 V3V3 T4T4 V4V4 The current design consist of ADC feeding digitized data to the FPGA for analysis. But we can Implement a TDC on an FPGA. This allows us to directly feed analog signals to the FPGA, eliminating extra ADC hardware. This scheme proves even more efficient in digitization. Quick Facts on our TDC FPGA Implemented on Altera Cyclone FPGA Primary firmware employs delay chains to determine transition time Wave Union launcher is implemented to ameliorate ultra wide bins effect TDC can run to a precision of 70 ps (LSB) RC circuit creates Ramping reference voltage, which is compared with analog signals in FPGA. Hit time is measured to a high precision. Signals can be reconstructed using the hit times. 8
Fast TDC Card TDC FPGA 9
Performance Tests Oscilloscope pictures Optimized range common mode signals Calibration Test Signals Histograms 10
Oscilloscope Pictures Pic. 1 Ramping signals (1MHz) Pic. 2 Ramping signals generated from clock. Pic. 3 Sampling using the ramping Signals Tests Start with analyzing critical signals Using a scope we can check the differential ramping signals. The ramping RC signals are derived from clocking signals in the board The ramping signal serves as a sampling signal (in pic. 3 a slower ramp is sampled) 11
Common mode Signals Voltage Offset (V ) Time (ns) Device is designed for differential Input Signals Performance can be compromised owing to offset of input signal. We can investigate this behavior by feeding common mode signals Observe that optimization is attained within the described range optimized 12
Calibration Calculated Measured Ramping Up Measured Ramping Dwn Time (ns) Voltage (v) Check for accuracy of device by matching measured samples with calculated curve Generate a lookup table for time conversions Understand slight aberrations Moving forward in data interpretation 13
Test Signal With the calibration formula obtained we can regenerate input signals Ramping up and ramping down samples are converted and plotted in the same graph Notice that both signal samples match A pulse signal is fed to an input channel Controlling the TDC through a serial port, the signal is sampled Raw data from the sampling is saved to a remote computer The goal is to recreate the signal using the array of hit time sampled Amplitude (v) 14
Histograms Histograms plot bins on the LSB of Hit Time It’s a pictorial evaluation of precision of the TDC. With a constant amplitude signal, we expect a sharp pic and little variance Channel 7 is supplied with a constant amplitude signal. Histograms of both ramping up and ramping down samples confirms our prediction 15
Histograms A varying amplitude like the pulse signal will be interesting to analyze on a histogram. Observe the noticeable peak and the smaller bumps. Amplitude (v) 16
Acknowledgment Fellow SIST Interns SIST Committee 14 th floor WH PPD crew 17
Questions 18