CABLE Child and Adolescent Behaviors in Long-term Evolution CABLE Research Team PI : Hsing-Yi Chang (張新儀) Lee-Lan Yen ( 李 蘭 ) Szu-Hsien T. Lee ( 李思賢 )


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Presentation transcript:

CABLE Child and Adolescent Behaviors in Long-term Evolution CABLE Research Team PI : Hsing-Yi Chang (張新儀) Lee-Lan Yen ( 李 蘭 ) Szu-Hsien T. Lee ( 李思賢 ) Wen-Chi Wu ( 吳文琪 ) Chi-Chen Wu (吳其臻) Yi-Chen Chiang (江宜珍)

Outline Purpose and Major Focus of 2008 Study Framework Study Design Work Completed in 2001~2006 Significance

Specific Aims To observe the change of health behavior, health status, mental health and lifestyle of children and adolescents. To examine the determinants of change. To differentiate the typologies of developmental trajectories.

Major Focus of 2008 Substance using behavior Body image and obesity Sexual related behavior

Study Framework Cross-Sectional Survey Intrapersonal Factors Interpersonal Factors Organizational Factors Health Lifestyle Health Status Ecological Model

Study Framework Longitudinal Follow-up Independent Variable Child & Parental Factors Family Factors School Factors Other Factors Intermediate Variable Time 1 → Time 2 Intrapersonal Factors Interpersonal Factors Organizational Factors Dependent Variable Time 1 → Time 2 Health Lifestyle Health Status

Study Instruments & Data Collection Intrapersonal Factors Interpersonal Factors Organizational Factors Health Lifestyle Health Status CABLE Questionnaires Students+Parents +Teachers School Health Records School & Community Profiles

Study Design Grade Elementary SchoolJunior HighSenior High Year Accomplished 2001A1B1 2002A2B2 2003A3B3 2004A4B4 2005A5B5 Continuing 2006A6B6 2007A7B7 2008A8B8 2009A9B9 2010A10B10 A1-A10: The 1st cohort , include metropolitan and rural area; B1-B10: The 2nd cohort of , include metropolitan and rural area.

Cohort 1 Field Survey, Student name list Inform consent Subject name list School survey --Student --Parent Check name list (1st ~ 2nd graders) (1st ~ 5th graders) Check name list 2006 (6th graders) School survey --Student Rearrange name list (7th ~ 8th graders) Mail Survey --Student Household Interview --Student

Cohort 2 Field Survey, Student name list Inform consent Subject name list School survey --Student --Parent Check name list (4th ~ 5th graders) Rearrange name list Mail survey --Student --Parent 2004 (7th graders) (4th ~ 6th graders) Rearrange name list (8th ~ 9th graders) Website survey --Student School survey --Student Mail survey --Student (10th ~ 11th graders) Rearrange name list Household Interview --Student

Study Subjects of 2001~2005 Add new participants

Follow-up rate Participants in 2002 as denominator Cohort 1Cohort 2 NRateN Note : The numbers with orange color represent denominators.

Results Dissemination from 2001 to 2006 Annual reports Annual Report 2001 has been published Annual Report 2002 has been published Annual Report has been published Annual Report 2005 is publishing 2002 CABLE conference Reference for parents Application of CABLE questionnaires

Presentations and Publications from 2001 to 2006 (I) Conference papers 2002 ISHPA (2) 2002 APA (1 paper) 2002 TPA (1 paper) APHA (12 papers) 2004 First Conference on Statistical Methodology (1 paper) 2004 TPHA Annual Meeting (3 papers) 2005 Biennial Meeting of SRCD (1 paper)

Paper Writing & Publishing from 2001 to 2006 (II) Journal Articles Lee-Lan Yen, Ching-Ju Chiu, Wen-Chi Wu, Ling-Yen Pan: Aggregation of Health Behaviors among Fourth Graders in Northern Taiwan. Journal of Adolescent Health (Accepted) (SCI) Lee-Lan Yen, Ling-Yen Pan, Wen-Chi Wu: Changes in Health-Related Behaviors among Children of the CABLE Study in Northern Taiwan Over Two Years. International Journal of Fitness (Accepted) 李思賢、張弘潔、李蘭、吳文琪:家庭及學校的社會資本與國小學童內化行為問 題之關係。中華心理衛生學刊。 (Accepted) (TSCI) 江宜珍、吳肖琪、李蘭:台灣北部國小四年級學童曾經發生自殺意念之相關因素 研究。台灣公共衛生雜誌, 2005; 24(6) 。 (TSSCI) Szu-Hsien Lee, Lee-Lan Yen, and Li-Ting Cheng: The association of child problem behaviors, inter-parental conflict and maternal psychological distress. Journal of Medical Sciences 2004; 24(4): Lee-Lan Yen, Likwang Chen, Szu-Hsien Lee, Chuhsing Hsiao, and Ling-Yen Pan: Child and Adolescent Behaviors in Long-term Evolution [CABLE]: A School-Based Health Lifestyle Study - - Study Methodology and Preliminary Results. Promotion and Education 2002; Supplement 1: (SCI) 李蘭:新世紀接班人的健康 — 目前國小學生的生活方式健康嗎?台灣教育 2002; 617:13-19 。

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Significance The findings of CABLE will generate a dataset for observing the development of child and adolescent in Taiwan. According to the evidence based information from CABLE, related agencies can develop supporting and learning programs to improve child health.

Thank you for your listening!