WVDHHR Bureau for Behavioral Health and Health Facilities (BHHF) and WV System of Care (WVSOC) Accessing state/local resources to improve service delivery and build local partnerships to better serve WV children and their families. Joining Forces for Healthy Kids 2011 Kids Strong Conference June 9, 2011 Charleston Civic Center
Learning Objectives To increase knowledge of priorities and programs supported by BHHF To increase knowledge of the coordinated statewide efforts of the WV Expanded School Mental Health Initiative and the WV System of Care To increase knowledge of state/regional/local resources to assist communities to better serve students and their families Today’s Objectives Briefly overview key words Philosophy/framework Guiding values / principles Family and Youth Involvement Current Statewide initiatives
Behavioral Health is ESSENTIAL to Health Prevention Works WV Department of Health and Human Resources Bureau for Behavioral Health and Health Facilities Behavioral Health is ESSENTIAL to Health Prevention Works Treatment is Effective People Recover Improving the quality of life for West Virginians with behavioral health needs The BHHF is the Single State Authority for substance abuse prevention and treatment, mental health, and for individuals with intellectual & developmental disabilities. The Bureau’s mission is to “ensure that positive meaningful opportunities are available for persons with mental illness, chemical dependency, developmental disabilities and those at risk.” Grant agreements with a number of non-profit providers and consumer organizations are designed to assure provision of a wide range of behavioral health services along a continuum from prevention through recovery. These are our guiding principles (read slide). – @ A Comprehensive Behavioral Health Commission was established to study WV’s behavioral health system and to make recommendations for improvement. (broken, silo’d,) Out of that – BHHF began a significant reorganization to be more integrated, coordinated and more efficient. We believe that collaboration is essential to effectively transform the bh system. And that means partnering across systems/bureaus, agencies that interface with children and adults with behavioral health needs. we better @ engaging community partners both public and private. The biggest priority is Substance Abuse – the impact its having on WVians – whether it’s the youth abusing substances or their caregivers – the biggest crisis we’re facing nationally and specifically across WV. The cost is devastating. Not just the cost of healthcare but more importantly the toll on our youth and families.
Child and Adolescent Behavioral Health Goal: To improve the service delivery system for children and adolescents with serious emotional disturbances (SED) and their families. Increase Access Increase Service Capacity Priority Initiatives: WV System of Care Statewide Parent and Youth Support Network Expanded School Mental Health (ESMH) Transitioning Youth Suicide Prevention Intro to slide – Now let me share the priorities of my division within BHHF. We are the Div…..Note Behavioral Health. We can no longer separate disabilities. We serve overlapping populations… mental health, SA and DD. So we have to have an understanding of wide array of issues (not just mh but SA and DD) that impact children and their families. (SED – serious emotional disturbances – over 40,000 children identified w/SED (this is more than likely underestimated in part due to stigma) Our children are at higher risk for SED simply due to the high prevalence of poverty, child abuse, domestic violence, and substance abuse. Issues you observe and see the impact of States receive funding from the Community Mental Health Block Grant – WV gets less than 1 million – not nearly enough. we have some state dollars as well. NOW Go through slide 2 bullets under goal – overarching strategy to accomplish goal. WVSOC – Linda will review – and a key component of building an effective SOC is to create a peer to peer model for a family and youth support network. ESMH – Our division began supporting School Based Mental Health services in 2000 and are in the process of transitioning efforts from Traditional SBMH services to an Expanded School Mental Health Model. Will talk more specifically about that in the next slide. Transitioning Youth – one of our most vulnerable populations – particularly for those youth aging out of foster care and are at risk for falling through the cracks. Youth with SED aren’t necessarily equipped with supports and skills to successfully transition to adulthood. Now share the specific grants we fund in these areas – WVSOC, FAST, ESMH planning grants, 2 pilot programs for Trans.Youth, and the WV Council for the Prevention of Suicide, and Federal Grant BHHF received called ASPEN.
What is Expanded School Mental Health? A framework that builds upon the core services typically provided by schools A shared responsibility between schools and community Provides the continuum of mental health care from prevention, early intervention and treatment Recognizes the critical link between academic success and social and emotional well-being Focuses on reducing barriers to learning Develops school connectedness Mention WV model is 3-tiered from universal prevention, interventions for targeted populations and intensive services and supports
WV’s Expanded School Mental Health (ESMH) Initiative Partnership between WVDE and WVDHHR Cross-systems State Steering team consisting of local/state level education, families, behavioral health and social service providers and public health Statewide network Mission To develop and strengthen policies, practices and services that promote learning and social- emotional well-being for all of WV’s youth through a collaborative process that engages schools, families, and community-based agencies. *partnership began in 2005 and grew from there… MOU between state superintendent of ed. & secretary of dhhr and state steering team est. to (refer to mission) The outcomes state steering team looking for is improved academic performance, school attendance, behavioral functioning and reduced barriers to learning. *Statewide network – had significant training 4 years ago – goal increase awareness, educate and develop statewide network for ESMH. From that we have established a statewide conference (just had 2nd annual). Hope is to est. a opportunity for sharing ideas, successes, resources and ways to overcome barriers.
The West Virginia System of Care is a public/private/consumer partnership dedicated to building the foundation for an effective continuum of care that empowers children at risk of out-of-home care and their families. Good Morning We want to thank you for attending the Introduction to the WV System of Care I am, Rhonda McCormick---- I am, Linda Watts, ----- Today, we will provide you an overview of the WV System of Care statewide initiative. The packet include the Power Point Key Values/Principles Other information to provide you with a better understanding of the framework of the WV System of Care
WV System of Care Organizing Framework A System of Care is, first and foremost, a set of values and principles that provides an organized, integrated framework for systems reform on behalf of children, youth and families. It is: a different way of doing business that improves the way we all interact with community, families and other child-serving systems It is not: an agency, program, grant funding WV is currently defining the guiding values and principles. In order to accomplish this, the partners muse work together on behalf of all W children, youth and their families.
Why a System of Care? Nationally recognized practice model for serving children with mental, behavioral, and intellectual/developmental disabilities and their families. Reduces duplication, coordinates efforts, builds long lasting partnerships that improves outcomes Passed by Legislation: Spring 2010-SB 636 WV Code: Chapter 49-7-34
WV System of Care No One System Controls Everything Every System Controls Something “Creating a Win-Win” Moving from fragmented to integrated
WV System of Care Guiding Core Values Family driven and youth guided, with the strengths and needs of the child and family determining the types and mix of services and supports provided. Community-based, with a locus of services as well as system management resting within a supportive, adaptive infrastructure of structures, processes and relationships at the community level. Culturally and linguistically competent, with agencies, programs, and services that reflect the cultural, racial, ethnic, and linguistic differences of the populations they serve to facilitate access to and utilization of appropriate services and supports and to eliminate disparities in care. The next few slides come from National Research and current System of Care Practices. These come from an issue brief dated 2010 “Updating the System of Care Concept and Philosophy. These were adopted February 28, 2010 by the WV System of Care Implementation Team. Look at key words Family driven Youth guided Strengths and needs Community based Locus of services Relationships Culturally and linguistically competent
Synergy Initiatives Nationally Child & Family Services Plan (Child Welfare) No Child Left Behind Preventing & Reducing Juvenile Crime in WV (Criminal Justice Services) WV Suicide Prevention Council (Mental Health) Children with Special Health Care Needs (Public Health) Integration of Public Health and Behavioral Health in Primary Care Clinics National Movements Include These initiatives overlap populations, work toward improved outcomes and there is a movement nationally at the federal level to work closer together
Synergy Initiatives in West Virginia Integration of WVSOC Guiding Principles/Values Family Advocacy, Support & Training (FAST) Program Wellness, Recovery, Action Plan (WRAP) for Youth Expanded School Base Mental Health (ESMH) Commission to Study Residential Placement of Children (SB 636) Statewide Needs and Gaps Assessment aka: WV Service Array Best Practice Community Forums Child Serving Agencies integrating core values and principles into policy and practice Building Bridges Jacob’s Law WV CANS (Child, Adolescent, Needs & Strength Assessment) This is not inclusive but is work that is being done cross systems and will better the service and supports to WV at risk population .
Questions FOR MORE INFO... Jackie Payne @ 304-356-4785 or jackie.f.payne@wv.gov Questions Contact Information FOR MORE INFO...
Resource Information WV System of Care & Regional Clinical Review Process Linda Watts at 304-437-5911 www.wvsystemofcare.org WV DHHR online application for CHIPS/Medicaid/School Clothing Allowance Contains links to other resources, screening and programs www.wvinroads.org WV Commission to Study Residential Placement of Children Linda Dalyai at 304-558-7980 www.residentialplacementcommission.org WV Comprehensive Behavioral Health Commission www.wvcbhc.org Service Array Melanie Swisher at (304) 558-0109 or 304-859-2989 melanieswisher@wvdhhr.org Family Advocacy, Support & Training (FAST) Program Bill Albert at 304-343-4481; Referrals 1-866-255-4370 http://www.wvsystemofcare.org/FamiliesYouth/tabid/448/Default.aspx www.lawv.net Service Delivery/Development Work Group Susan Fry at 304-429-2297; Fax: 304-429-8365 Stepupsrf@aol.com
Resource information Expanded School Mental Health www.schoolmentalhealthwv.org Family Support Program, DHHR www.wvdhhr.org/bhhf/famsup1.asp ASPEN (suicide prevention) www.wvaspen.com WV Suicide Prevention Hotline 1-800-273-8255 (TALK) WV School Based Health Assembly www.wvsbha.org FRN – each has their own website, the directory is here www.wvdhhr.org/bcf/eces_coordinate.asp Bureau for Children and Families www.wvdhhr.org/bcf Public Health – Office of Maternal and Child Health www.wvdhhr.org/mcfh Tie in SA Prevention Grantees – they are resource to compliment what they’re doing with Coordinated School Health and School Wellness
Thank You! www.wvsystemofcare.org