Sexualisation of children through Advertising
Sexualisation A person’s value comes only from his or her sexual appeal or behaviour. Sexuality is inappropriately imposed. A person is sexually objectified.
Significant sources of Premature sexualisation of children Girls magazines and advertising material o Barbie Magazine (5 to 12 years) o Total Girl (8 to 11 years) o Disney Girl (6 to 13 years) Television programs e.g. music video programs and teen soap operas o The OC o Big Brother
‘Corporate paedophilia’ is a metaphor to describe advertising and marketing that sexualises children in these ways.
Adult Pose Make up Adult handbag Mobile Phone Clothing Total Girl Magazine (targets girls ages 8-11 yrs old)
Figure 11 ‘Are you his friend or his crush?’ quiz, Barbie Magazine (targets readers aged 5 to 12 years)
Risks associated with the sexualisation of children through advertising Eating disorders in females and males still relevant but have been usurped by the sexualisation of teens Children become sexually active at an early age Devastating effects on mental and physical health Warped view /perception of what beauty is, therefore, what sexuality is Difficulty for children to have a healthy body image and self esteem Peer pressure to accept and be what is sexual or risk social isolation by peers
Contributes to creating a climate which can lead to child abuse Vulnerability to exploitation Contributes to paedophilia Adolescents are hesitant to stand for their values Dr Michael Carr-Gregg suggests that the teenage mind is unable to understand the consequences of their actions