My Brother Sam Is Dead Keynote Journal Presentation By: Seung-Hyon Lee
Chapter 1 (Part 1) Chapter one, starts off with Sam arriving into the house where he is not personally greeted with excitiment by his father. As the family have dinner together, Sam constantly talks about the war that the English troops had with the minutemen. He had been educated at Yale university, and is now keen to go out and fight in a war.
Chapter 1 (Part 2) The major argument that father and Sam have, reflects to their difference in thoughts as well as their personalitites. As Tim (Younger brother) and his Mom watch by closely of the actions that Sam is taking, Sam constantly argues against his dad, and tries to convince him to let him go out to the war and take the gun.
Chapter1 (Part 3) As Tim had envyed his brother in indescribable ways, Sam had just taken his first steps in stepping out to the warfield, as well as it had made father cry in the result of the argument between his son.
Chapter 2 (Part 1) As Tim had been upset about the fact that Sam had wanted to go out to the war as well as making his father emotionally angry at the same time, Tim had needed some time to rest and mitigate to relieve his depression for a while.
Chapter 2 (Part 2) However, things just went worse for Tim. As he had later found out that Sam was in Tom Warrups (An Indian who lived and welcomed localists) house with his girlfriend talking about the war that he was going to participate with his other friends, Tim had tried his best to convince his brother not to go and return the gun to father.
Chapter 2 (Part 3) Sam’s girlfriend named Besty Read, had prevented Tim from trying to stop Sam and had recounted to Tim and had stated that Sam had to go out to the war and told Timothy not to tell anyone. As Besty was a patriot herself, Sam had not thought again about returning the gun to father. Timothy was simply heartbroken.
Chapter 3 (Part 1) In chapter three, Tim starts to have concerns according to his predictions, that there would be revolting soldiers shooting against his hometown pretty soon. As they had heard no news from Sam for months, the family carry on with their daily life in farming, as there seems do de a disconnection between Sam for months.
Chapter 3 (Part 2) During that period of time, Tim has learns a number of educational skills that he had piled up inside his brain, to show off to his brother Sam. One day, Besty catches up with Tim and informs him that Sam is back somewhere.
Chapter 3 (Part 3) As Timothy is relieved in various ways, he also feels the nervousness riding through back of his spines. After Timothy claims that he was bad a mathematics, he was now ready to tell and show off to his brother telling him outrageously in a good manner that he was a smart and sharp intelligent kid.
Chapter 4 (Part 1) As a group of a few British soilders arrive to the tavern, they ask for the Brown in search for the gun. Father claims that his son had taken the Brown Bessie to use it in the war.
Chapter 4 (Part 2) After Tim hurriedly escorts his views out of the Tavern, he goes to his brother and pledges for help after not being able to hold the gun tightly in a perfect manner. As Sam finally decides to help his father in which Tim also goes together with him, they have a light conversation and Sam gets embarrassed because he had talked to Tim that he hadn’t shot any bullets since he had stole fathers gun.
Chapter 4 (Part 3) (Brown Bessie). After entering the tavern to help father, he notices that he was not severly injured, but for a second had stared into eachothers eyes; Sam had mixed feelings inside him for a moment and had simply ran away, as father also mixed emotions inside him about his eldest son in which he loved deep inside his heart.
Chapter 5 (Part 1) As food and supplies become more scarce, soldiers had stole important goods and food from the citizens which was a major problem during that time period. Mr Heron the surveyor, who seems like a Tory, enters the tavern with Tom Warrups to give a chance for young Timmy to deliver a letter down the village.
Chapter 5 (Part 2) Mr.Heron, excites Tim and claims that Tim would be acting out as a secret spy missionary, in which Tim obviously wants to take the chance to do that. However, as father disagrees and rejects the offer to the fact that Mr.Heron had seemed suspicious and dangerous in partial ways.
Chapter 5 (Part 3) Tim had still wanted to be like Sam and had wanted to impress him by completeing tasks just like this. Tim tries to think of a valid excuse to make to father quite soon.
Chapter 6 (Part 1) As father had clearly rejected Mr. Heron’s offer that he had made to Tim, Tim had not wanted to lose this glorious chance that he could achieve by accomplishing this task to eventually show off to his brother. This subsequent task, could not be taken away from Tim’s hands as he had lied to his father that he would go fishing all-day to excuse himself and complete his task.
Chapter 6 (Part 2) Tim had but had merely neglected father’s warning signs that he had set, and had traveled along until he had met Besty on the way. As Besty Read had noticed that Tim had met Mr. Heron, also having heard from Tim that he was a tory when Besty had not, she had suspected him in one strking area where he also had a letter in his hand.
Chapter 6 (Part 3) Unable to resist, Besty had eventually got to look at the letter having forced it out of Tim’s hands, and Tim himself had found out that the message had simply stated if the message was delivered, then the deliverer was reliable. Besty had informed Tim that the letter was a way to spy and kill Sam, who was cattle hunting at that time with his master.
Chapter 7 (Part 1) As time had passed, an unexpected letter had come from Sam. As mother was well suprised of this letter that Sam had said, she had thought it was obvious to reply back. However, father did not. Father had claimed that by not writing back to Sam, he would one day force himself to come back and think about what he had done wrong after causing a major pain of greif that had affected the lives of all people in the family.
Chapter 7 (Part 2) Mother completely disagrees to this fact and replys back regarding to the statements that father had mentioned. As there was a shortage of food during this time, a trip to Verplancks Point had to be made where they had sold/traded goods.
Chapter 7 (Part 3) On thier way, as father and Tim were traveling, they had come across 6 cowboys who had stated the cattles and the goods will go to New - York, which was not true. As father had refused to hand the cattles and the goods over, these cowboys had started beating father up until the loyalists had come to save them.
Chapter 8 (Part 1) Father and Tim, soon arrive into the home of the Platts. As his cousins question him about if he is a loyalist, Tim positively explains that he is, and although he does state that he is a brave young man directly, he makes himself sound that he is with ambition and confidence.
Chapter 8 (Part 2) Tim’s cousin declares his thoughts about how Sam in joining the rebel forces was not a positve decision to make. When Tim had fallen asleep, he finds himself in his dream fighting against Sam...
Chapter 8 (Part 3) As father and Tim keep traveling, father and Tim look ahead and observes the beautiful, appealing lake Hudson as the trade was successful, Tim and Father had been happy.
Chapter 9 (Part 1) As Tim and father travel back home, the heavy snowfall had made it hard for father and Tim to travel ahead. As father checks the road path ahead to check if it safe, he suddenly disappears.
Chapter 9 (Part 2) As Tim begins to panic, he follows the path ahead and observes the footsteps of father’s horse and soon finds out that father had been taken away by other cowboys.
Chapter 9 (Part 3) As Tim keeps an eye on the cowboys overnight, Tim has changed dramatically from this point when he plays a smart trick on the cowboys that father had called “escorts” up incase the cowboys had seiged upon his father, in which the cowboys soon think for a moment whether to leave or not. As they get nervous, they soon flee, as Tim travels on.
Chapter 10 (Part 1) While father is not home for the time, Tim takes a huge responsibility in looking after the tavern. As mother had currently lost her husband and Sam, she is heartbroken and claims to Tim that father will return.
Chapter 10 (Part 2) As mother has a talk with colonial Read, the captain has no hope in winning the war and claims that there is a high chance that Sam might not be able to return back.
Chapter 10 (Part 3) One day, the British army marches into the Town of Redding, and Tim immediately is surprised by how well the British soldiers are armed and suited as they start to raid Tim’s town.
Chapter 11(Part 1) As Dr.Hobart saves the messenger by removing the bullet from his body the messenger begins to state that captain Benedict, the leader of Sam’s rebel troop, and is soon going to seige and capture the British troops. Mother, forbids Tim from getting involved in the war, as the british troops later march into the Tavern in desperate demand of food. Tim heads out of the Tavern and asks a group of the British soldiers if they know where sam is.
Chapter 11 (Part 2) As time passes, one day in April, Tim hears a loud noise and notices that the British troops have marched on into their town. As a messenger of the rebel side gets shot, Colonial Read escort these injured men into the tavern and sends Timothy to Mr. Hobarts house. However, he sees Ned’s head get cut off, (a black localist in the town) as Tim vomits, in dispute he carries onto Mr.Hobarts house.
Chapter 11(part 3) One of the soldiers lead Tim inside, as Tim meets his brother. The Meeker brothers emotions clearly indicate of how they had missed eachother. After mom sees Tim, she asks Sam to return home, but Timothy informs her mother that Sam will not. Tim now does not think that he is outclassed by is older brother, but now acts serious upon every single important situation.
Chapter 12 (Part 1) As a messenger of the rebel side gets shot, Colonial Read escorts these injured men into the tavern and sends Timothy to Mr. Hobarts house. However, he sees Ned’s head get cut off as he vomits, and in dispute carries onto Mr.Hobarts house.
Chapter12 (Part 2) Mother and Sam, sadly discovers that Mr.Meeker had died because of cholera disease on the prison ship, while Jerry Sanford had also died on the ship a few days later.
Chapter12 (Part 3) The war has affectively worn out everyone. The soldiers and the civilians face hard times ahead of them, as everyone now does not care of who shall win the war. All they want is the war to end quickly.
Chapter 13 (Part 1) On one winter of 1778, Sam returns home for a short while, as he is happy to see his family again. Resorces for food especially is short, as Sam warns Tim about cattle theives. He had admitted that by stealing cattle(s) in his army, that they would get hanged for stealing by his captain. Sam continuously orders Tim to sell the eight cattles, but Tim refuses to. One day, they hear a noise outside and finds out that the cattle is missing. Sam goes ahead to check, as he soon gets captured by the two actual cattle thieves as they report it to his captain.
Chapter 13 (Part 2) As Timothy visits Colonel Parsons to argue that Sam had not stolen the cattles, his mother at the time vistits Sam’s captain, named: General Putman, who had before declared that he will hang anyone who had stolen cattles. As the General declares that he will have to demonstrate the fact that someone had stolen cattles by hanging Sam. Mother, nor when Besty had spoken to her dad had worked despite him being accused of stealing cattles, he was the one who had to be on duty in pretecting Colonel Betts.
Chapter 13 (Part 3) As Colonel Read tries to help out, he and Mrs Meaker really have nothing that they can do at this point. As Sam gets locked up, and he is prohibited to see his family, or anyone. As Tim tries everything he can, by talking to Colonel Parsons, he then gives Tim a note that allows him to talk to Captain Putnam. As General Putnam does not take Tim’s words seriously, he gives a chance for the brothers to meet and have a short conversationt, before Sam is sentenced to death.
Chapter 14 (Part 1) The day before Sam’s execution day, the towns people are required to attend the church for the purpose of praying and wishing the souls when they are about to be executed.
Chapter 14 (Part 2 ) Tim, tries everything in order to rescue Sam. Timothy, plans and goes into the prison to save his brother, but sadly fails to.
Chapter 14 (Part 3) On the execution day of Sam, Tim sadly attends the execution, although mother does not. As Tim watches by as Sam gets shot, the last moments that he gets to see his brother is not pleasing.