Disability Program Navigator Training A Joint Initiative of the U.S. Department of Labor and the Social Security Administration Systems Collaboration: Building Partnerships Judith Emery, Director, Colorado WIN Partners Patrick Loeber, Consumer Navigator, Pikes Peak Workforce Center Miranda Thompson, Consumer Navigator, Broomfield Workforce Center
Module Objectives: To identify ways to form a climate that enables systems change To identify ways to engage persons needed for systems change To explain the importance of networking and collaboration To communicate the type of information that is important when forming a network for systems change To identify strategies for gathering information
“It’s All In Building Relationships” or “Relationships, Relationships, Relationships”
Create a climate for systems change Communication Coordination Collaboration
Communication Think tanks Focus groups Strategic planning meetings
Coordination Identifying key players Networking Building relationships/trust Understanding each culture/system
Collaboration A mutually beneficial and well-defined relationship entered into by two or more organizations to achieve common goals --Mattessich and Monsey
Purpose of collaboration Increase communication, capacity, and continuity of service, while decreasing duplication of services --C.R.Pete Petersen M.Ed “How to Build Community Collaboration”
How we built collaboration Start with a unifying purpose – MOU Set goals and objectives Cultivate and share leadership – commitment Clear expectations and roles
Maintaining Collaboration Collaboration takes time! Be open-minded, communicate and forgive Share ownership, credit and responsibility
“The only place you find success before work is in the dictionary.” --Mary B. Smith
Workforce Investment Act Mandated Partners Wagner-Peyser Employment Services Veterans Employment Services Adult Education and Literacy Division of Vocational Rehabilitation Welfare to Work Recipients Post-Secondary Vocational Act Recipients
Optional Partners Community Based Organizations Volunteer Programs Independent Living Centers Local Social Security Administration Offices Housing Family Resource Centers
Strategies Familiarity with all of the organizations and what they do Know your community
At Minimum Name of the entity Eligibility information Application information Services offered Contact “name”
Additional strategies Others need to know what is available through the One-Stops Highlight complimentary services – not duplication
Additional strategies, continued Generalist – not expert Referrals are more appropriate Keep in touch – ongoing communication is key
One thing is certain There needs to be a consistent message at both the state and local level
Examples of state collaboration Leveraging dollars for assistive technology Grants
Examples of local collaboration Personnel training Resource fairs Facility sharing Leveraging resources to financially support an individual
This training has been designed and developed by the Law, Health Policy & Disability Center (LHPDC) of the University of Iowa College of Law disability.law.uiowa.edu