Safety Groups Program 2009 Start of Year
Agenda Safety Group Objectives Safety Group Program Requirements 3 rd edition Employer Guidelines / Element Criteria 5 Steps to Managing Health & Safety Rebate Getting Started Q&A
Safety Groups Program Prevention initiative to eliminate workplace injuries and illness Collective approach to health & safety Success achieved through pooling of resources, mentoring and sharing of best practices Incentive to develop sustainable health & safety programs Rewards are demonstrated through achievements in health & safety Potential WSIB premium rebate with no surcharge
WORKPLACE SELF ASSESSMENT ACTION PLAN PROGRESS #1 PROGRESS #2 YEAR END REPORTS: YR END ACHIEVEMENT YR END MAINTENANCE WORKPLACE ASSESSMENT Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun July Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 2007 Implement Your Action Plan: Complete the “5-Step Management System” for 5 elements 2009 Program Year Meeting #4Meeting #1Meeting #2Meeting #3Meeting #5
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun July Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Rebate Completion of 2008 Program Year (in 2009) WSIB Validation Audit Process to verify Year-ends reports Firms selected for Validation Audit are notified 10% of Group
Program Requirements Attendance – Must attend and participate in a minimum of 3 group meetings in the program year Reporting - Sign-off by senior management and submit all reports to sponsor by due date Achievement - Complete 5 health & safety elements (demonstrate all 5 Steps) Participate –in networking activities with group members; if asked, cooperate with WSIB visits and spot- checks
Element Criteria The Element Requirements Chart will be used in the Safety Group Validation Audit Process. Firms will be measured against the Requirements Chart. Each Element includes Resources to assist in the development of the standards. They are for reference only. The Requirements chart outlines the minimum requirements. We encourage firms when and if possible to exceed the minimum requirements by incorporating best practices and improving workplace safety culture. Employers Guidelines 3 rd Edition
Example of Element Requirement JHSC / H&S Rep Employers Guidelines 3 rd Edition
NEW Employers Guidelines 3 rd Edition
Return To Work Members must select one of five RTW elements: 1.RTW Self-Assessment WSIB RTW Self-Assessment Guide completes a gap analysis of RTW program and develops a RTW action plan. 2.RTW Program Development Policy, procedure, roles and responsibilities, RTW Plans, forms, and letters 3.Physical Demands Information A procedure of how information is collected on a form identifying the overall physical demands of a job and breaks down the job into duties with risk identification 4.RTW Case Management Procedure of contact with injured worker, return to work meetings to identify suitable work, and reporting requirements. 5.RTW Performance Tracking Defined performance indicators to measure program outcomes Employers Guidelines 3 rd Edition
New Elements MSD Motor Vehicle Incident Prevention Fall Arrest OTHER ELEMENTS Firm is required to write the element requirements Approval from the Sponsor Approval from the Consultant Firms element requirements will be used available to the consultant during a spot-check Employers Guidelines 3 rd Edition
Safety Culture 2008 Element Requirements will impact safety culture, Senior Management signature required on Achievement reports, Groups or firms may request a safety culture element in the leadership category that meets their industry needs. Employers Guidelines 3 rd Edition
Validation Audit Process 10% of each group are randomly selected to verify the Year- end reports On-site audit by a Safety Groups Program Consultant Evidence based audit of the 5-Step Management system Methodology includes: –Documentation review –Interviews (management and workers) –Observation of the workplace Employers Guidelines 3 rd Edition
Written Standard Communication Training Evaluate Acknowledge Success & Make Improvements Make Improvements 5-Steps to Managing Health & Safety
Step 1 - Set Standards Standards define senior managements process system for an element. Include the points in the “Element Requirements” Written statements outlining expectations and policies Includes legal requirements –policy statements - management’s expectations and policies about health & safety –procedures - step by step instructions for particular tasks or processes –safe work procedures - written directions that include health & safety in the work processes –workplace rules - when a workplace sets its own standards i.e. how to report5-Steps
Step 2 - Communicate Communication establishes an awareness to an element. Include the points in the “Element Requirements” ensure that everyone knows and understands what is expected of them and what they can expect of others can take place through many different means including: –staff meetings or toolbox talks –training sessions or guest speakers –print or electronic notices (i.e. memos, s, newsletters) maintain copies and attendance records5-Steps
Step 3 - Training Training establishes worker proficiency or competence to an element. Include the points in the “Element Requirements” Managers, supervisors workers and/or contractors receive training appropriate to the element Various training methods: –Orientation training –Specific training (one to one) –General training (classroom or group) –On-going up-dates in safe work procedures –Testing of training is required (adult education techniques) Maintain records of all training & certificates5-Steps
Step 4 - Evaluate Evaluation is a system that measure the effectiveness of standards, communication and training compare actual health & safety activities to the set standards and expectations is the element actually implemented and working keep track and document these evaluations there are many different ways to evaluate: –Analysis of physical observations/inspection/plant or job- site audits –Small sample survey of employees –Statistical analysis & summary i.e. WSIB information –Analysis by JOHSC –Management review –Analysis of inspection reports & JOHSC minutes5-Steps
Step 5 - Acknowledge Success & or Make Improvements Recognizes and defines a plan in areas for improvement and success (maintaining success). A written plan developed improve outcomes, make changes and/or improvements where defined in “Evaluation,” Management acknowledges the successful outcomes of an element and can personalize the reasons for success.5-Steps
Rebate Formula
No Rebate Cap 6%Up to 6% of Group Premium in Rebate –4% for Achievement – Scores are subject to a performance improvement threshold –2% for Performance – Improvement must be better than pre- set target reviewed annually. –2008 Target = 7% –If minimum target is not achieved, rebate will be adjusted –New 2:2 review of Performance years A firm will be removed if they experience a workplace fatality. Rebate Formula
4% 6% 1% = + AchievementPerformance GROUP REBATE Lost Time Injury Frequency Lost Time Injury Severity + 1% Year-end Reports & Spot-checks Improvement must be better than preset performance threshold. For 2008 = 7% (reviewed annually) Achievement scores are subject to a performance improvement threshold Improvement is calculated by comparing the two most recent years with two prior years *Based on Group Premiums paid Rebate Formula
Getting Started
Workplace Assessment Purpose: Identify strengths & weaknesses of the firm’s health & safety program Identify the selection of 5 elements for the Action Plan Monitor maintenance and continuous improvement over the long term Action: 3 options: –Safety Groups Program Workplace Assessment –Element Program Requirements document –Industry Specific Assessment Completion prior to element selection mandatory: Yes or No Reviewed during Validation Audit Submit to sponsor by established due date (if required) Getting Started
Action Plan Each firm must select and implement 5 health & safety elements. 1)A “Group/Common element” that all participants will implement in )A “Leadership” element (can be the group element) 3)An element from “Organization” or “Hazard Recognition & Assessment” (can be the group element) 4)A “Return to Work” element (can be a group element) 5)An element from any category Getting Started
Selecting a non-approved element Firm is required to define the element requirements for the 5 step process and retain their requirement document, Firm needs to explain the rational for the element to Sponsor & WSIB Consultant, Element cannot be part of an approved element, Approval from Sponsor first and WSIB Consultant. Guidelines for requests non-approved elements Getting Started
Changes to Action Plan Needs approval from Sponsor first and WSIB Consultant Firm needs to provide reasons in writing ( ) to Sponsor & WSIB Consultant Approval for requests received before June 30 th in exceptional circumstances, (e.g. MOL order) Guidelines for requests to change Action Plan Elements Getting Started
Embrace the Safety Group concept of sharing information and networking Attend meetings Get going
Questions John Zwolak, CHSC, CRSP Safety Groups Program Consultant Prevention Services