IT2-GRU Napoli – 9 July 2010 Makno Managing knowledge in intercultural learning communities Ma.Kno. is funded by: EU Lifelong Learning Programme - Grundtvig Partnerships Project coordinator: ARACNE Association for social promotion (IT) Partners: KULTURNO DRUSTVO GMAJNA (SI) GRETA du Velay (FR) C.E.S.E.P. (BE) INOVA CONSULTANCY LTD (UK) Duration: August 2008 – July 2010
IT2-GRU Makno Managing knowledge in intercultural learning communities AIMS: Improve the knowledge processes management in small organisations dealing with immigrants' integration and cultural mediation with a creative approach in order to: Improve pedagogical approaches and the management of adult education organisations Support the social inclusion of migrants Napoli – 9 July 2010
IT2-GRU Makno Managing knowledge in intercultural learning communities OBJECTIVES: Improve use of creative approaches, methodologies and tools in informal and non-formal learning within intercultural framework Improve skills and abilities of participant organisations in use of creative approaches to informal and non-formal learning within intercultural framework Exchange of methodologies and tools used in managing knowledge and learning processes within organisations aimed at immigrants’ integration and cultural mediation Improve the cooperation between organisations involved in intercultural training throughout EU Napoli – 9 July 2010
IT2-GRU Makno Managing knowledge in intercultural learning communities AREAS OF INTERVENTION: Improving awareness of processes performed in daily practices by organisations aimed at immigrants’ integration and cultural mediation Improving creative approaches in training within multicultural and/or intercultural contexts Napoli – 9 July 2010
IT2-GRU Makno Managing knowledge in intercultural learning communities ACTIVITIES CARRIED OUT Definition of MAKNO framework: what is learning and training in an intercultural and multi-cultural context within MAKNO vision Self-assessment of internal processes of organisations involved Peer to peer training Experimentation of creative training paths in intercultural contexts Research about immigrants and Asylum Seekers conditions in countries involved Collection of articles and studies about immigration and inter-cultural processes Napoli – 9 July 2010
IT2-GRU Makno Managing knowledge in intercultural learning communities DIRECT RESULTS Makno Solar System Solar System definition (glossary) 5 Internal Assessment Reports 10 Case Studies 5 Trans-national Public Workshops 5 Creative Training Paths in intercultural contexts Migrants & Asylum seekers condition table Collection of articles and studies about immigration and inter-cultural processes (in progress) Website: Napoli – 9 July 2010
IT2-GRU Makno Managing knowledge in intercultural learning communities Makno Solar System conceptual map of knowledge management processes and learning processes in learning communities from a constructivist point of view and how they fit multicultural, intercultural and/or trans-cultural contexts Napoli – 9 July 2010
IT2-GRU Makno Managing knowledge in intercultural learning communities Solar System definition (glossary) Definitions of concepts used in the MAKNO Solar System Example: Diversity Horizontality Culture Learning Community Possible cultural dynamics Etc. You’ll find the glossary on Napoli – 9 July 2010
IT2-GRU Makno Managing knowledge in intercultural learning communities 5 INTERNAL ASSESSMENT REPORTS Self- assessment tool aimed at improve awareness of approaches and methodologies used by partner organisations: it allow to assess if and how the internal processes of the organisation fit the processes described by MAKNO solar system. Use of the tool: moment of common reflection among persons working in the same organisation. Upgrade the MAKNO solar system (from theory to real daily practices) Napoli – 9 July 2010
IT2-GRU Makno Managing knowledge in intercultural learning communities 10 CASE STUDIES 2 examples about how MAKNO process has improved practices effectiveness of organisations involved They have been discussed on the MAKNO blog Napoli – 9 July 2010
IT2-GRU Makno Managing knowledge in intercultural learning communities 5 Trans-national Public Workshops Napoli – 9 July 2010 The hosting organisation and the guests introduced attending persons to their own methodologies and tools 2 different chances of reflection: Organisation of the contribution (each organisation needed to reflect about its practices in order to explain them) Comparison among different contributions and the reflection of trainers and training professionals attending the workshop.
IT2-GRU Makno Managing knowledge in intercultural learning communities 5 CREATIVE TRAINING PATHS IN INTERCULTURAL CONTEXTS Napoli – 9 July 2010 AIM: assessment of MAKNO outputs. Elaboration of methodologies for training needs identification Training needs identification Training paths designing Carry out the training paths Publication on the MAKNO website of intermediate results of the paths Debates in website forum about the work performed
IT2-GRU Makno Managing knowledge in intercultural learning communities Migrants & Asylum seekers conditions table Napoli – 9 July 2010 Comparative description of Migrants & Asylum seekers conditions in the countries involved. Items: Asylum seekers living conditions Asylum permit process Residence permit process Career pathway Family visits Family reunion Support infrastructures Motivation: it is necessary to have references about the socio-political framework if we want to perform activities in intercultural contexts
IT2-GRU Makno Managing knowledge in intercultural learning communities Collection of articles and studies about immigration and inter-cultural processes Napoli – 9 July 2010 MAKNO works as a learning community: it is important to have continuously in order to improve the shared reflection. For the bibliography and the articles, please see and then chose Library in the menu on your right.
IT2-GRU Makno Managing knowledge in intercultural learning communities MAKNO IN A NUTSHELL Napoli – 9 July 2010 The learning approach used in the project has been a constructivist one. The partners explored this approach, attending the project practices and experimenting that knowledge is a social product; something larger and more wealthy than the different contributions of involved persons, but existing as it is because of the contributions of involved persons. A shared knowledge that goes beyond the contributions of participants in the process: a trans- cultural output.
IT2-GRU Makno Managing knowledge in intercultural learning communities GRAZIE To all the “MAKNO ACTVISTS”! Napoli – 9 July 2010