Individual Characteristics in Phase III Part 2 The information on each characteristic is derived from the CVI Resolution Chart -Roman-Lantzy, 2007
Color Preference More colors, familiar patterns are regarded (7-8) No color or pattern preferences are observed (9-10)
Need for Movement Movement is not required for attention at near (7-8) Person demonstrates typical responses to moving targets (9-10)
Visual Latency Latency is rarely present (7-8) Latency is resolved (9-10)
Visual Field Preference Child may alternate use of their right and left visual fields (7-8). Use of visual fields is unrestricted (9- 10).
Difficulties with visual complexity Competing auditory stimuli is tolerated during periods of viewing; student may now maintain visual attention on musical toys (7-8). Views simple books or symbols (7-8). Smiles at/regards familiar and new faces (7-8). Only the most complex visual environments affect visual responses (9-10). Views books or other two dimensional materials (9-10). Typical visual/social responses are observed (9- 10).
Light gazing and non-purposeful gaze Light is no longer a distractor; this characteristic is resolved (7-10).
Difficulty with distance viewing Visual attention extends to 10 feet with targets that produce movement (7-8). Visual attention extends beyond 20 feet (9-10). Child demonstrates memory of visual events (9-10).
Atypical visual reflexes Visual threat response is consistently present (both visual threat and blink response to touch are close to 90% resolved ) (7-8). Visual reflexes are always present; characteristic is resolved (9-10).
Difficulty with visual novelty The selection of objects is less restricted, one to two sessions of warm up time is required (7-8). The selection of objects used with child is not restricted (9-10).
Absence of visually guided reach Look and touch occur in rapid sequence, but not always together (7-8). Look and touch occur together consistently (9-10).
Meet Dustin This video depicts a 19 year old young man describing his vision. You can view it on the website Personal Perspective: Interview with Dustin
Phase III Key factors in intervention: Understanding the rationale Interventions should not be random There should always be a purpose and an end goal Example: if you are having a child track a light then you should be able to explain the rationale, or why you are doing this activity.
Phase III If there is no rationale as to why you are performing the interventions then you are likely participating more in vision stimulation (i.e.: tracking a light, presentation of contrasting patterns, etc). Activities for children with CVI need to always have a functional component. You need to consider how the activity will ultimately lead the child to being independent in some type of functional activity.
Phase III Interventions need to occur in the natural routines of the day. The materials or activities should focus on creating opportunities to use vision in an ongoing basis versus an isolated single event. Interventions should focus on increasing the skills and abilities of the child as they improve.
Phase III You know a child is in Phase III of resolution when they demonstrate visual curiosity, may look at faces, can use two dimensional materials, and view objects up to and beyond 10 feet.