Integrating Clinical Systems by Integrating Controlled Vocabularies James J. Cimino, MD Center for Medical Informatics Columbia University New York, New York, USA
...collecting patient information ...links to financial systems ...automated decision support ...library at the bedside Integrated Information Means...
Stand-alone clinical systems Several billing systems Clinical alert system Local- and wide-area networks On-line educational resources The Columbia Computing Environment
Federation of Systems
Central Patient Database
Central Controlled Vocabulary
Advantages of Central Vocabulary Resource for system developers Single update point Brings vocabularies together
Issues Understand the vocabulary Integrate the terms Maintenance
Central Vocabulary Design Semantic network of concepts Content from: –Unified Medical Language System (UMLS) –Ancillary systems –Standard controlled vocabularies Browsing and editing tools
Medical Entities Dictionary Medical Entity Substance Laboratory Specimen Event Diagnostic Procedure Laboratory Test Laboratory Procedure CHEM-7 Plasma Glucose Plasma Specimen Anatomic Substance Bioactive Substance Glucose Plasma Chemical Carbo- hydrate Substance Sampled Part of Has Specimen Substance Measured
Vocabulary Sources Clinical laboratories Pharmacy Cardiology Discharge coding Radiology Primary Care
Current Size 41,000 concepts 146 slots 51,500 parent/child links 40,000 other semantic links 240,000 strings
Vocabulary Browser/Editors Knowledge Engineering Environment (KEE) and 370 PC-MUMPS RS/6000 and X-Windows
Editor Functions Lexical and graphic browsing Addition and deletion functions Inheritance Automatic classification
mumps editor - take a photo!!!
X-browser - get a stock photo!!!
Success Stories Repairing vocabularies Database extension Confidential data display Summary reporting Medline Button Medical Logic Modules
Repairing Vocabularies Radiology Laboratory Pharmacy
Autoclassifying the Laboratory Stat Serum Glucose Laboratory Test Plasma Glucose Fasting Glucose Chem-7 Glucose SMAC20 Glucose Stat Serum Glucose Blood Glucose Plasma Glucose Fasting Glucose Chem-7 Glucose SMAC20 Glucose Laboratory Test Glucose Test Serum Glucose Serum Glucose
Autoclassify the Pharmacy: Before Drug Empirin #3 Bayer Aspirin Salicylate Allergy Analgesic Opiate Allergy Nonsteroidal Anti-inflamm. Allergy
Autoclassify the Pharmacy: After Drug Empirin #3 Bayer Aspirin Aspirin Drugs Codeine Drugs Salicylate Allergy Analgesic Opiate Allergy Nonsteroidal Anti-inflamm. Allergy
Results of Autoclassification 971 new classes 334 drugs classified by type 289 drugs into two or more types 173 drugs into allergy classes
Database Extension Information model for new applications Merging the new with the old Adding organization to the model
Summary reporting - stock photo!!!!
Confidential Data Display Need to display sensitive data (HIV) Need an extra level of security Step 1: create a new class in the MED Step 2: have the application check for class membership
Medline Button - stock photo 1 !!!
Medline Button - stock photo 2 !!!
Medline Button - stock photo 3 !!!
Medline Button - stock photo 4 !!!
Medline Button - stock photo 5 !!!
MLM Alert - stock photo 1 !!!
MLM Alert - stock photo 2 !!!
Medical Logic Modules Clinical alerts Data interpretation Finding research patients Monitoring hospital resources
Current Challenges Editing environment Expansion of automated updates Vocabulary content
Conclusions Integrating vocabularies helps Complex vocabulary model pays off Automated maintenance works