HOW ADULTS LEARN 101 Carmen Butler, M.A.,Ed.S
ANDRAGOGY The study of how adults learn Founders: Alexander Kapp Malcom Knowles 1830
A Need to Know How? When? Where? WHY??? Characteristics That Motivate Adult Learners
Training Tip Explain why certain commands, functions, operations are necessary Avoid explanations like “Because the manual says so” or “That’s just how it is”
Foundation Experiences Both Positive and Negative Characteristics That Motivate Adult Learners
Training Tip Instruction should be task-oriented rather than require memorization. Learning activities should correlate to training content
Training Tip Instruction should take into account the wide range of different backgrounds of learners. Learning materials and activities should allow for different levels/types of previous experience with computers and other technologies.
Training Tip Honor life experiences in the training session. Encourage discussions and sharing when appropriate (be mindful of time limits! )
Self-concept Self-awareness Self-perception Characteristics That Motivate Adult Learners
Characteristics that Motivate Adult Learners Readiness Is it relevant to my work and/or life?
Training Tip The learning processes should be positive and encouraging. Instruction should allow learners to discover things for themselves and should provide guidance and help when mistakes are made.
Orientation Problem centered rather than content centered Characteristics that Motivate Adult Learners
Training Tip Training sessions that are lengthy may become overwhelming to adult learners. Provide frequent breaks Break up long trainings with a “stretch” time or group activity
Training Tip Activities should be relevant to the tasks at hand while keeping trainees energized (small group discussions, activities that involve moving around)
LEARNING STYLES V = visual A = aural R = read/write K = kinesthetic
VISUAL LEARNERS LOOK intently Pictures Color Illustrations of tasks Charts Maps Graphs Picturesque speech
AURAL LEARNERS Listen intently Tone and voice inflection important Ask questions Answer questions Love discussions Love to TALK about what they have learned Notes are scant/bulleted
READ/WRITE LEARNERS Love pen and paper Books Libraries and research Notes are neat and often verbatim Appreciate speakers that stay on topic
KINESTHETIC LEARNERS Learn with all five senses Tactile is most important Activities, discussions, labs Collections Interactive learning
VARK Learning Styles Assessment Characteristics Of Adult Learners
REFERENCES Boud, D. et al (1985) Reflection. Turning Experience into Learning, London: Kogan Page. Brookfield, S.D (1986) Understanding and Facilitating Adult Learning. A comprehensive Analysis of Principles and Effective Practice, Milton Keynes: Open University Pres.. Kidd, J.R. (1978) How Adults Learn (3 rd Ed), Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice Hall. Smith, M.K. (1996; 1999) ‘Andragogy’, The Encyclopaedia of Informal Education, Last update: May 29,